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Welcome to acronyms list. We currently keep track of more than 40,000 acronyms and abbreviations in different specialized categories. You're able to browse according to the alphabet or by selecting the category that fits your search. Find out what meanings are for the acronyms, abbreviations, initials, lingo, jargon or slang and what they stand for.

Random selection of popular acronyms

 Acronym Category Meaning
TOTOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTotable Tornado Observatory
RCAFUncategorized AcronymsRoyal Canadian Air Force
SOHOAstronomy AcronymsSOlar Heliospheric Observatory
GTE/TRACEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Tropospheric Experiment/Transport And Atmospheric Chemistry Near The Equator
JAMChatting AcronymsJust A Minute
TTOASTMedical Acronyms (Slang)Take Them Out And Shoot Them
DURNASA AcronymsDuration
IPSECComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Protocol Security
MGSENASA AcronymsMechanical Ground Support Equipment
TSLMedical Acronyms (Slang)Too Stupid To Live

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