| Acronym | Meaning |
| CSV | Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry |
| CSVC | Computer System Validation Committee |
| CSWP | Centrifugal Sudden [or Coupled States] Wave Packet Method |
| CSWRCB | California State Water Resources Control Board |
| CSZ | Calcia-stabilized Zirconia |
| CT | Disinfectant Concn. Times The Contact Time |
| CT | Charge Transfer |
| CT | Disinfection Concentration Contact Time |
| CTA | Cellulose Triacetate (Reg: 9012093) |
| CTA | Classical Trajectory Approximation (in Mol.-collision Calcns.) |
| CTAB | Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (cationic Surfactant) |
| CTAC | Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center |
| CTARC | Chemical Testing And Assessment Research Commission |
| CTB | Computer Technology Branch |
| CTBT | Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty |
| CTBTO | Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization |
| CTC | Control Technology Center |
| CTC | Charge-transfer Complex |
| CTCF | Collisional Time Correlation Function (in Quantum Calcns. On Mol. Inelastic Collisions) |
| CTCMS | Center For Theoretical And Computational Materials Science |
| CTCP | Clinical Toxicology Of Commercial Products |
| CTD | C-terminal Domain |
| CTD | Charge Transfer Device (optical Spectroscopic Detector) |
| CTD | Conductivity |
| CTDM | Complex Terrain Dispersion Model (air Quality) |
| CTDO | Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen Profiler |
| CTE | Charge-transfer Efficiency |
| CTE | Coefficient Of Thermal Expansion |
| CTE | Constitutive Transport Element |
| CTEB | Carcinogenesis And Toxicologic Evaluation Branch |
| CTEM | Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy |
| CTEQ | The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project On QCD |
| CTF | Common Translation Factor (for Ion-atom Inelastic Collisions) |
| CTF | Contrast-transfer Function |
| CTFA | Cosmetic, Toiletry And Fragrance Association |
| CTG | Control Technique Guidelines |
| CTGF | Connective Tissue Growth Factor |
| CTIO | Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory |
| CTIOSA | Charge-transfer Infinite Order Sudden Approxn. |
| CTL | Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte |
| CTLA | Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Antigen |
| CTM | Conditional Test Method |
| CTM | Chemical Transport Model |
| CTMAB | Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (cationic Surfactant) |
| CTMC | Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo |
| CTMP | Comprehensive Treatment Management Plan |
| CTMP | Chemico-thermomechanical Pulping |
| CTOD | Crack Tip Opening Displacement |
| CTOF | Charge Time-of-Flight Spectrometer |
| CTP | Cytidine 5'-triphosphate |