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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 66

 Acronym Meaning
CSVCathodic Stripping Voltammetry
CSVCComputer System Validation Committee
CSWPCentrifugal Sudden [or Coupled States] Wave Packet Method
CSWRCBCalifornia State Water Resources Control Board
CSZCalcia-stabilized Zirconia
CTDisinfectant Concn. Times The Contact Time
CTCharge Transfer
CTDisinfection Concentration Contact Time
CTACellulose Triacetate (Reg: 9012093)
CTAClassical Trajectory Approximation (in Mol.-collision Calcns.)
CTABCetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (cationic Surfactant)
CTACCounterdrug Technology Assessment Center
CTARCChemical Testing And Assessment Research Commission
CTBComputer Technology Branch
CTBTComprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CTBTOComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
CTCControl Technology Center
CTCCharge-transfer Complex
CTCFCollisional Time Correlation Function (in Quantum Calcns. On Mol. Inelastic Collisions)
CTCMSCenter For Theoretical And Computational Materials Science
CTCPClinical Toxicology Of Commercial Products
CTDC-terminal Domain
CTDCharge Transfer Device (optical Spectroscopic Detector)
CTDMComplex Terrain Dispersion Model (air Quality)
CTDOConductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen Profiler
CTECharge-transfer Efficiency
CTECoefficient Of Thermal Expansion
CTEConstitutive Transport Element
CTEBCarcinogenesis And Toxicologic Evaluation Branch
CTEMConventional Transmission Electron Microscopy
CTEQThe Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project On QCD
CTFCommon Translation Factor (for Ion-atom Inelastic Collisions)
CTFContrast-transfer Function
CTFACosmetic, Toiletry And Fragrance Association
CTGControl Technique Guidelines
CTGFConnective Tissue Growth Factor
CTIOCerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
CTIOSACharge-transfer Infinite Order Sudden Approxn.
CTLCytotoxic T Lymphocyte
CTLACytotoxic T Lymphocyte Antigen
CTMConditional Test Method
CTMChemical Transport Model
CTMABCetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (cationic Surfactant)
CTMCClassical Trajectory Monte Carlo
CTMPComprehensive Treatment Management Plan
CTMPChemico-thermomechanical Pulping
CTODCrack Tip Opening Displacement
CTOFCharge Time-of-Flight Spectrometer
CTPCytidine 5'-triphosphate

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