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Chemistry Acronyms Page 114

 Acronym Meaning
GFNGrain Fineness Number
GFPGreen Fluorescent Protein
GFPEGeneralized Fokker-Planck Equation
GFQMCGreen Function Quantum Monte Carlo
GFRGlomerular Filtration Rate
GFRCGlass Fiber Reinforced Cement
GFRPGlass Fiber Reinforced Plastics
GGAGeneralized Gradient Approxn.
GGCGeneralized Gradient-corrected (density-functional)
GGGGallium Gadolinium Garnet
GGSGlobal Geospace Science
GGWDGeneralized Gaussian Wave-packet
GGWPDGeneralized Gaussian Wave-packet Dynamics
GHGrowth Hormone
GHCNGlobal Historical Climatology Network
GHDGrowth Hormone Deficiency
GHFGeneralized Hartree-Fock Method
GHFGeneralized Hellmann-Feynman (theorem)
GHGGreenhouse Gases
GHLGeneralized Heitler-London
GHOGeneralized Hybrid Orbital (ao)
GHRGrowth Hormone Receptor
GHRFGrowth Hormone-releasing Factor
GHRHGrowth Hormone-releasing Hormone
GHRSGoddard High Resolution Spectrograph
GHSVGas Hourly Space Velocity
GIMany Electron Wave Functions That Are Simultaneously Eigen-functions Of The Total Spin Projection Operators And Satisfy The Pa
GIABSGastro-Intestinal Absorptivity
GIAOGage Invariant Atomic Orbital
GIAOGage-including Atomic Orbital
GIAOGage-independent Atomic Orbital
GIAXRDGrazing Incidence Angle X-ray Diffraction
GICGraphite Intercalation Compound
GICSGrants Information And Control System
GIDGrazing Incidence Diffraction
GIFGraphic Image Format
GIFTGamete Intrafallopian Transfer
GILDGas Immersion Laser Doping
GIMEGas Injection Membrane Extraction
GIMSGrazing Incidence Moessbauer Spectroscopy
GINCGlobal Information Network On Chemicals
GIOSGeneralized Infinite Order Sudden
GIPGastric Inhibitory Polypeptide
GIPGlucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide
GIPMGround State Inversion Potential Method
GIPM/DGround State Inversion Potential Method Including Diffraction
GIPMEGlobal Investigation Of Pollution In The Marine Environment
GIPOFGraded-Index Plastic Optical Fiber
GIPQGage Invariant Periodic Quantization
GIPTGranular Injection Paint Technology

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