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Acronyms starting with R Page 12

 Acronym Category Meaning
RMNASA AcronymsRendezvous Maneuver
RMNASA AcronymsRescue Module
RMNASA AcronymsRight Mid
RMUncategorized AcronymsRaeto-Romansh Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
RMUS Military AcronymsReplaceable Module
RMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRemake
RM/MS&CNASA AcronymsRedundancy Management/Moding
RM/MS&CNASA AcronymsControl
RMAChemistry AcronymsRocky Mountain Arsenal (Colorado)
RMANASA AcronymsRenote Manipulator Arm
RMAUncategorized AcronymsReturn Mailing Authorization - Revolution In Military Affairs
RMAUS Govt. AcronymsRisk Management Agency
RMANChemistry AcronymsRecovered Materials Advisory Notice
RMAPSChemistry AcronymsReceptor Model Applied To Patterns In Space
RMBComputer And Internet AcronymsRight Mouse Button
RMBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRing My Bell
RMBPTChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Many-body Perturbation Theory
RMCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRAF Management Council
RMCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRegional Meteorological Center
RMCChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Multiconfiguration
RMCChemistry AcronymsReverse Monte Carlo
RMCNASA AcronymsRedundancy Management Control
RMCUncategorized AcronymsRoyal Military College (Australia
RMCDAstronomy AcronymsRadaiation Monitoring Container Device
RMCLChemistry AcronymsRecommended Maximum Contaminant Level
RMCSTEPChemistry AcronymsRepartitioned Multiconfigurational Spin-tensor Electron Propagator
RMDAUncategorized AcronymsRecords Management And Declassification Agency
RMEAstronomy AcronymsRadiation Monitoring Experiment
RMEChemistry AcronymsReasonably Maximally Exposed
RMEChemistry AcronymsReduced Matrix Equations
RMFChemistry AcronymsRotating Morse Function (in Potential-surface Calcn.)
RMFNASA AcronymsRCS Module Forward
RMGNASA AcronymsRight Main Gear
RMINASA AcronymsRadio Magnetic Indicator
RMLBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRead My Lips Baby
RMLCChemistry AcronymsRecommended Maximum Contaminant Level
RMMChemistry AcronymsRelative Molecular Mass
RMMAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsReading My Mind Again
RMMMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRead My Mail, Man
RMNGUS Military AcronymsRemaining
RMOChemistry AcronymsRotated Morse Oscillator (function For Potential Surface)
RMONComputer And Internet AcronymsRemote Monitoring
RMOSChemistry AcronymsRotated Morse Oscillator Spline (function For Potential Surface Calcn.)
RMPChemistry AcronymsRisk Management Program
RMPChemistry AcronymsRadon Measurement Proficiency
RMPChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Model Potential
RMPChemistry AcronymsResonant Model Potential
RMPChemistry AcronymsRestricted Moeller-Plesset
RMPUncategorized AcronymsRecognised [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture
RMPUS Military AcronymsRisk Management Plan
RMP2Chemistry AcronymsRestricted Moeller-Plesset Second-order (perturbation Theory)
RMP4Chemistry AcronymsRestricted Moeller-Plesset Fourth-order (perturbation Theory)
RMPMChemistry AcronymsRenormalized Multicenter Potential Model (for Scattering)
RMPPChemistry AcronymsRisk Management And Prevention Program
RMPROPChemistry AcronymsR-matrix Propagation
RMRChemistry AcronymsResting Metabolic Rate
RMRUS Military AcronymsRemote Map Reader
RMRCIChemistry AcronymsRelativistic MR-CI
RMRSNASA AcronymsRepeatable Maintenance And Recall System
RMSAstronomy AcronymsRemote Manipulator System
RMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRoot-mean-square
RMSChemistry AcronymsRoot Mean Square
RMSNASA AcronymsRadian Means Per Second
RMSNASA AcronymsRandom Motion Simulator
RMSNASA AcronymsRedundancy Management System
RMSNASA AcronymsRemote Manipulator System
RMSNASA AcronymsRemote ManiPulator System (SubsYstem)
RMSNASA AcronymsRoot Mean Square
RMSNASA AcronymsRoot-Mean-Square
RMSUncategorized AcronymsRate-Monotonic Scheduling - Richard M. Stallman - Root-Mean-Square - Royal Mail Ship (e.g. RMS Titanic)
RMSUS Military AcronymsRoot-mean-square
RMSECVChemistry AcronymsRoot-mean-square Error Of Cross-validation
RMSEPChemistry AcronymsRoot-mean-square Error Of Prediction
RMSVPNASA AcronymsRemote ManiPulator SubsYstem Verification Plan
RMTChemistry AcronymsRandom Matrix Theory
RMTNASA AcronymsRemote
RMTAChemistry AcronymsRigid Muffin-tin Approxn.
RMTOChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Muffin-tin Orbital
RMTPComputer And Internet AcronymsReliable Multicast Transport Protocol
RMWChemistry AcronymsRegulated Medical Waste
RNNASA AcronymsReynolds Number
RNUncategorized AcronymsRoyal Navy
RNUncategorized AcronymsKirundi Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
RNUncategorized AcronymsRadon -Registered Nurse (USA)
RNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRight Now
RNAChemistry AcronymsRibonucleic Acid
RNAChemistry AcronymsRemediation By Natural Attenuation
RNAUncategorized AcronymsRiboNucleic Acid
RNAAChemistry AcronymsRadiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis
RNAIChemistry AcronymsRNA Interference
RNAPChemistry AcronymsRNA Polymerase
RNAVUS Military AcronymsRadar Navigation
RNCCUS Military AcronymsReference Number Category Code
RNDZNASA AcronymsRendezvous
RNGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRenormalization Group
RNGChemistry AcronymsRenormalized Group Theory
RNGNASA AcronymsRange
RNGNASA AcronymsRT Range Rate
RNGUS Military AcronymsRange
RNGCAstronomy AcronymsRevised New General Catalog

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