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Acronyms starting with E Page 20

 Acronym Category Meaning
ESIDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEOSDIS Systems Interface Document
ESIDChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Statistics And Information Division
ESIDChemistry AcronymsElectron Stimulated Ion Desorption
ESIEChemistry AcronymsElectron Stimulated Ion Emission
ESIGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental And Societal Impacts Group
ESIGChemistry AcronymsEuropean Solvents Industry Group
ESIMSChemistry AcronymsElectrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
ESIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth System Information Partners Federation
ESIPTChemistry AcronymsExcited-state Intramolecular Proton Transfer
ESISAstronomy AcronymsEuropean Space Information System
ESISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Science Information System
ESISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsESA Space Information Systems
ESISChemistry AcronymsEuropean Structural Integrity Society
ESIXChemistry AcronymsElectrically Switched Ion Exchange
ESJWGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Science Joint Working Group
ESLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Sciences Laboratories
ESLUncategorized AcronymsEnglish As A Second Language
ESMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Systems Model
ESMChemistry AcronymsExponential-series Method
ESMUncategorized AcronymsElectronic Warfare Support Measures
ESMUS Military AcronymsElectronic Support (surveillance) Measures
ESMCNASA AcronymsEastern Space And Missile Center (formerly AFETR)
ESMFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth System Model Framework
ESMFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsEat Sh*t Mother F*cker
ESMLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Science Markup Language
ESMOChemistry AcronymsExcited-state Molecular Orbital
ESMRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectronically Scanning Microwave Radiometer
ESMRChemistry AcronymsElectrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer
ESMRSatellite Meterology AcronymsElectrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer
ESMSChemistry AcronymsElectrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
ESMSTChemistry AcronymsEuropean Society Of Membrane Science And Technology
ESMSVChemistry AcronymsExponential-spline Morse-spline Van Der Waals (interat.potential)
ESNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsECS Science Network
ESNETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnergy Sciences Network
ESOAstronomy AcronymsEuropean Southern Observatory
ESOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEuropean Southern Observatory
ESOChemistry AcronymsEuropean Southern Observatory
ESONASA AcronymsEvent Sequence Override
ESOUncategorized AcronymsEuropean Southern Observatory
ESOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsEquipment Smarter Than Operator
ESOCAstronomy AcronymsEuropean Space Operations Centre
ESOCNASA AcronymsEuropean Space Operations Center
ESOCSatellite Meterology AcronymsEuropean Satellite Operations Center
ESOLUncategorized AcronymsEnglish For Speakers Of Other Languages
ESOWNASA AcronymsEngineering Statement Of Work
ESPChemistry AcronymsElectron Spin Polarization
ESPChemistry AcronymsElectrostatic Precipitator
ESPChemistry AcronymsElimination Of Solvation Procedure
ESPChemistry AcronymsExchangeable Sodium Percentage (soils)
ESPNASA AcronymsElectroshock Protection
ESPNASA AcronymsEngine Service Platforms
ESPNASA AcronymsExperiment Sensing Platform
ESPUncategorized AcronymsElectronic Stability Program - Extra-sensory Perception -Spain (ISO 3166 Trigram)
ESPComputer And Internet AcronymsEncapsulating Security Payload
ESPComputer And Internet AcronymsEudora Sharing Protocol
ESPCAstronomy AcronymsEuropean Space Power Conference
ESPIChemistry AcronymsElectronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry
ESPIRITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEuropean Strategic Programme For R&D In Information Technology
ESPNUncategorized AcronymsEntertainment And Sports Programming Network
ESPRITChemistry AcronymsEuropean Strategic Programme For Research And Development In Information Technology
ESPSChemistry AcronymsElectrode-separated Piezoelectric Sensor
ESPSNASA AcronymsExperiment Segment Pallet Simulator
ESPTChemistry AcronymsElectron Spin Polarization Transfer
ESPTChemistry AcronymsExcited-state Proton Transfer
ESQCChemistry AcronymsElastic Scattering Quantum Chemistry
ESQUIREChemistry AcronymsExternal Source QUIstor With Resonance Ejection
ESRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectron Spin Resonance
ESRChemistry AcronymsErythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
ESRChemistry AcronymsElectron Spin Resonance
ESRChemistry AcronymsElectroslag Refining
ESRChemistry AcronymsElectroslag Remelting
ESRNASA AcronymsEffective Sunrise
ESRNASA AcronymsEngineering Support Request
ESRDChemistry AcronymsEnd-stage Renal Disease
ESRDMedical AcronymsEnd Stage Renal Disease
ESRDMedical AcronymsEnd Stage Renal Disease
ESRFChemistry AcronymsEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility
ESRINAstronomy AcronymsEuropean Space Research Institute
ESRINChemistry AcronymsEuropean Space Research Institute
ESRINNASA AcronymsEuropean Space Research Institute
ESROAstronomy AcronymsEuropean Space Research Organisation
ESROAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEuropean Space Research Organization
ESRONASA AcronymsEuropean Space Research Organization
ESRONASA AcronymsEuropean Space Research Organization
ESSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth System Science
ESSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEngineering Equipment Surveillance System
ESSChemistry AcronymsEuropean Spallation Source
ESSChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Sampling For Safeguards
ESSNASA AcronymsEffective Sunset
ESSNASA AcronymsEnvironmental Support System
ESSNASA AcronymsEquipment Support Section
ESSNASA AcronymsEssential
ESSNASA AcronymsEssential
ESSNASA AcronymsExperiment Subsystem Simulator
ESSUS Military AcronymsEnvironmental Stress Screening
ESSUS Military AcronymsEssential
ESSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Science Services Administration
ESSANASA AcronymsEnvironmental Sciences Services Administration
ESSASatellite Meterology AcronymsEnvironmental Science Services Administration (preceded NOAA)

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