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 Acronym Category Meaning
CDRHChemistry AcronymsCenter For Devices And Radiological Health
CDRHUS Govt. AcronymsCenter For Devices And Radiological Health
CDRLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsContract Data Requirements List
CDRLNASA AcronymsContract Data Requirements List
CDRLUS Military AcronymsContractor Data Requirements List
CDRPChemistry AcronymsCarbon Dioxide Research Program (of US Department Of Energy)
CDRRNASA AcronymsContract Documentation Requirements Records
CDSAstronomy AcronymsCommand And Data Subsystem
CDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsComputing
CDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCoronal Doppler Spectrometer
CDSChemistry AcronymsCompliance Data System (US EPA Air Database)
CDSNASA AcronymsCentral Data Subsystem
CDSNASA AcronymsCentral Data Subsystems (LPS)
CDSNASA AcronymsCentral Data System
CDSNASA AcronymsCloseout DoorSystem
CDSNASA AcronymsCollision Detector System
CDSNASA AcronymsControl Data Corporation
CDSNASA AcronymsControl Data System
CDSUncategorized AcronymsChief Of The Defence Staff
CDS/ISISChemistry AcronymsCDS/Integrated Set Of Information System
CDSCNASA AcronymsCommunications Distribution And Switching Center
CDSCBusiness And FinanceContingent Deferred Sales Charge
CDSFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCustomer Data Service Facility
CDSIChemistry AcronymsCommittee On The Dissemination Of Scientific Information
CDTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConventional Defense Technology
CDTChemistry AcronymsCritical Dissolution Time (synthetic Fiber And Polymer Property)
CDTNASA AcronymsCentral Daylight Time
CDTNASA AcronymsCommand Descriptor Table
CDTNASA AcronymsCompressed DataTape
CDTNASA AcronymsConfiguration Data Table
CDTNASA AcronymsCountdown Time
CDTUncategorized AcronymsCentral Daylight Saving Time (UTC-5 Hours)
CDTUncategorized AcronymsCommandant
CDTUS Military AcronymsChargeable Down Time
CDTUS Military AcronymsCompressor Discharge Temperature
CDUNASA AcronymsComputer Display Unit
CDUNASA AcronymsControl And Display Unit
CDUNASA AcronymsCoupling Display Unit
CDUNASA AcronymsCoupling Data Unit
CDUNASA AcronymsCRT Display Unit
CDUUS Military AcronymsControl Display Unit
CDVChemistry AcronymsCapacitor Discharge Vaporization
CDWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCritical Design Walk-through
CDWChemistry AcronymsCircumpolar Deep Water
CDWChemistry AcronymsCoulomb Distorted Wave (for Scattering Calcns.)
CDWChemistry AcronymsCharge-density Wave
CDWChemistry AcronymsContinuum Distorted Wave
CDWNASA AcronymsCommand Data Word
CDWNASA AcronymsComputer DataWord
CDW-EISChemistry AcronymsContinuum Distorted Wave-eikonal Initial State (in Collisions)
CDW-IAChemistry AcronymsContinuum Distorted Wave-impulse Approxn.
CDWAChemistry AcronymsContinuum Distorted-wave Approxn. (for Scattering Calcns.)
CDWFChemistry AcronymsCorrelated-determinant Wave Function
CDWGUS Military AcronymsControls And Displays Working Group
CEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCombustion Engineering
CEChemistry AcronymsCapillary Electrophoresis
CEHuman Genome AcronymsCapillary Electrophoresis
CENASA AcronymsChange Evaluation
CENASA AcronymsCivil Engineering
CENASA AcronymsControl Element
CENASA AcronymsCost Element
CENASA AcronymsCurrent Expendable
CEUncategorized AcronymsCerium
CEUncategorized AcronymsChechen Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
CEUncategorized Acronyms Many
CE/ESIMSChemistry AcronymsCapillary Electrophoresis/electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
CEAAstronomy AcronymsCenter For EUV Astrophysics
CEAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommissariat A
CEAChemistry AcronymsCost-Effectiveness Analysis
CEAChemistry AcronymsCarcinoembryonic Antigen
CEAMedical AcronymsCultured Epithelial Autograft
CEANASA AcronymsControl Electronics Assembly (for MMU)
CEAUncategorized AcronymsCampaign Effectiveness Analysis
CEAUS Govt. AcronymsCouncil Of Economic Advisers
CEACAM1Chemistry AcronymsCarcinoembryonic Antigen Cell Adhesion Molecule 1
CEAMChemistry AcronymsCenter For Exposure Assessment Modeling
CEARCChemistry AcronymsCanadian Environmental Assessment Research Council
CEAREXChemistry AcronymsCoordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment
CEARPChemistry AcronymsComprehensive Environmental Assessment And Response Program
CEASChemistry AcronymsCavity-enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy
CEASChemistry AcronymsCoulometric Electrode Array System
CEBUS Military AcronymsCno Executive Board
CEBAFChemistry AcronymsContinuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
CECChemistry AcronymsCommission Of The European Communities
CECChemistry AcronymsCapillary Electrochromatography
CECChemistry AcronymsCation Exchange Capacity
CECNASA AcronymsControl Encoder Coupler
CECOrganizations AcronymsCommission For Environmental Cooperation
CECEChemistry AcronymsCombined Electrolysis And Chemical Exchange
CECMUS Military AcronymsComposite Engineering Change Memo
CECOMUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Army Communications And Electronics Command
CECOMUS Military AcronymsCommunications & Electronics Command (army)
CECPNASA AcronymsCompatibility Engineering Change Proposal
CEDChemistry AcronymsCohesive Energy Density
CEDARChemistry AcronymsCoupling, Energetics, And Dynamics Of Atm. Regions [project]
CEDCNASA AcronymsCyclic Error Detection Code
CEDEChemistry AcronymsCommitted Effective Dose Equivalent
CEDIChemistry AcronymsContinuous Electrodeionization
CEDIAChemistry AcronymsCloned-enzyme Donor Immunoassay
CEDRUS Govt. AcronymsComprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource

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