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MS Symptoms Early


Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

F*ck Off And Let Someone Not Extremely Incompetent Get Here

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
RHSRocking Horse Stool - Even Rarer Than Hen's Teeth
ETOHExtremely Trashed Or Hammered (2 Derivations Given: Corruption Of "Etho" [ethanol Addict] Or From "EtOH" [chemistry Abbreviation For Ethanol])
TVTPTried Vancomycin, Try Prayer (Vancomycin Is Anti-MRSA Drug)
GACPGravity Assisted Concrete Poisoning - Jumped / Fell From Height
ASTAssuming Seasonal Temperature (dead)
DENTISTDoesn't Even Need Treatment - It's Sorted, Truly
GTMJACBGone To Meet Jesus, Ain't Coming Back (dead)
MU PAINMade Up Pain (especially For Sick Notes And Insurance Claims)
PWTPoor White Trash (with A Condition Related To Their Lifestyle)
PPPlank Positive - Stupid, As In "thick As 2 Short Planks"

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