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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: FABIANS

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Felt Awful But I'm Alright Now Syndrome

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
DKADon't/Doesn't Know Anything (but Is Explained To Relatives As Diabetic Ketoacidosis If Challenged)
CTDCircling The Drain (Close To Death)
S2Sit The F**k Down And Shut The F**k Up
DQDrama Queen
LGFDLooks Good From Door (but Not Closely Examined)
CLOMICat Like Observation And Masterful Inactivity (patient Under Observation)
MIDIMyocardial Infarction During Intercourse (heart Attack During Sex)
RPVURelative Porsche Value Unit: Surgical Index Of Potential Income From The Repair Of Patient Injuries, Usually Orthopaedic In Nature. Fractured Finger = A Windscreen Wiper; A Fractured Hip = New Tyres Etc.
RBSReally Bad Shape
DIIKDarned If I Know

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