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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: ATS

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Acute Thespian Syndrome: Faking Illness; Known In US As MGM Syndrome

Other acronyms from this category

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FOLFat Old Lady, Gone Off Legs (GOF), Full Of Sh*t(FOS). Confused Elderly Female, Unable To Exercise At Home, Now Unable To Move Unaided And Badly Constipated As A Result (see Also TCS).
DFO-SFJDone Fell Out - Screaming For Jesus
WNLWill Not Listen; Patient Won't Take Medical Advice
HTDHigher Than A Duck
GLFGround Level Fall (tripped Over)
EMTExtraordinary Masochistic Tendencies (joke At Expense Of Emergency Medical Technicians)
BMTBowel-Movement Taco (faecal Matter Trapped In Female Genitalia)
3HEnema That Is "high, Hot, And A Hell Of A Lot." Reputedly Given To Patients Who Give Staff A Hard Time.
PDSDPre-Detention Stress Disorder - A Person Who Feigns Medical Symptoms When Police Handcuff Him
DIFFCDropped In For Friendly Chat (i.e. No Medical Problem)

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