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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: ATL

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

(Scotland) Aff (off) The Legs; Meaning Unable To Walk

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
TTJTransfer To Jesus
APRS(US) Acute Puerto Rican Syndrome (bouts Of Screaming And Yelling)
FOLFat Old Lady, Gone Off Legs (GOF), Full Of Sh*t(FOS). Confused Elderly Female, Unable To Exercise At Home, Now Unable To Move Unaided And Badly Constipated As A Result (see Also TCS).
PFHParent(s) From Hell (custodians Of BFH - Brat From Hell)
HTKHigher Than A Kite
TTR(US) Tattoo-to-Tooth Ratio (Dirtbag Ratio)
YAVISYoung, Attractive, Verbal, Intelligent, Successful.
NQRITHNot Quite Right In The Head
3PSPill, Permissiveness And Promiscuity (relates To Female Patients With Sexually Transmitted Disease)
OAPOver-Anxious Patient

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