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Acronym: TOC

Category: US Army Acronyms (Official)

Meaning / Stands for:

Tactical Operations Center

Other acronyms from this category

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ETSExpiration Of Term Of Service (scheduled Date Of Separation From Active Duty); Electronic Time Keeping System; Emergency Temporary Standard; Engineering (and) Technical Services (Request); Engineering Time Standards; Estimating Tracking System; Estimated
TFTask Force
AITAdvanced Infantry Training; Advanced Individual Training (specialty Training Post-BCT); Aircraft Interface Tester; Automated Interactive Target; AUTODIN Interface Terminal; Automated Identification Technology
QRFQuick Reaction Force
TACSOP TACtical Standard Operation Procedure. The ?game-plan? That Units Follow When Conducting Tactical Operations. Similar To Sports Team And ?secret? Plays
METLMission Essential Task List
RPGRocket-Propelled Grenade
ASTArea Support Team
PMCSPreventive Maintenance Checks And Services
ASAP As Soon As Possible (pronounced AY-sap)

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