| Acronym | Meaning |
| PBIRG | Pharmaceutical Business Intelligence And Research Gro |
| SLMO | Symmetry-adapted Localized Molecular Orbital |
| IINS | Incoherent Inelastic Neutron Scattering |
| DPT | Diffuse Phase Transition |
| FLASH | Fast Low-angle Shot (NMR Imaging) |
| CSITE | Consortium For Research On Enhancing Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial Ecosystems |
| SW X(ALPHA) | Scattered Wave X(alpha) |
| VPSEM | Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope |
| NOMS | National Organics Monitoring Survey (US EPA 1976-1977) |
| GAMESS | General Atomic And Molecular Electronic Structure System |