| Acronym | Meaning |
| ESPT | Excited-state Proton Transfer |
| NDOL(ND0-L) | Neglect Of Differential Overlap-azimutal Quantum Number (of Valence Ao's) |
| PERALS | Photon-Electron Rejecting Alpha Liquid Scintillation |
| GEXRS | Grazing-exit X-ray Spectrometry |
| CRP | CAMP Receptor Protein |
| ROSINA | Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer For Ion And Neutral Analysis |
| GVFF | Generalized Valence Force Field |
| MRINDO/S | Modified Rydberg Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap/spectral (or Screening) |
| LATS | Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator |
| JPEG | Joint Photographic Expert Group |