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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: OAPP

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Oxidized Atactic Polypropylene

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RNRAResonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis
RS-LMTO-ASAReal Space-linear Combination Of Muffin-tin Orbitals-atomic Sphere Approxn.
HPMHole-potential Model (in Calcn. Of Mol. Excited States)
NMANuclear Microanalysis
SIXASilicon X-ray Array
CSFCatalyzed Soot Filter
DHDortmund-Hoerder (German Vacuum Steel Refining)
CMASCaO-MgO-aluminum Oxide-silicon Dioxide
ILAPInter-Laboratory Analysis Program
DOITFederal Advisory Committee To Develop On-site Innovative Technologies

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