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Chemistry Acronyms Page 60

 Acronym Meaning
COOPCrystal Orbital Overlap Population
COPCyclic Olefin Polymers
COPCrystal Originated Particle
COPCoefficient Of Performance
COPCContaminants Of Potential Concern
COPDChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPECytokines Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia
COPMCarter Ozone Per Mile
COPNACondensed Polynuclear Aromatics
COPWComplete Orthogonalized Plane Wave
CORALControl Retrofit Assessment Library [EPRI Software]
CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CORCCooperative Online Resource Catalog
CORDISCommunity Research And Development Information Service
COREComprehensive Risk Evaluation
CORMACOmplete Relaxation Matrix Analysis
CORMIXCornell Mixing Zone Model
CORRChemicals On Reporting Rules
COSCosmic Origins Spectrograph
COSCorona Oxide Semiconductor
COSACCometary Sampling And Composition
COSCATCoherent Scatter System
COSCIComplete Open Shell Configuration Interaction
COSECommittee On Optical Science And Engineering
COSEPUPCommittee On Science
COSHHControl Of Substances Hazardous To Health (UK)
COSHIClearinghouse For Occupational Safety And Health Information
COSMICComputer Oriented Structure Models From Inadequate Derived Coupling Data
COSPARCommittee On Space Research
COSSCorrelation Shift Scaling
COSTRCollaborative Solar-Terrestrial Research
COSYCorrelation Spectroscopy
COTFClassroom Of The Future
COVCoefficient Of Variation
CPCellulose Propionate
CPChemical Pseudopotential
CPChemically Pure
CPCoupled Pair (many-electron Theory)
CP-LSDACar-Parrinello Local Spin Density Functional
CP-TAPFCross-polarization Using Time-averaged Precession Frequency
CP/MASCross Polarization/magic Angle Spinning [in Regard To NMR]
CPAChirped Pulse Amplification
CPACoherent Potential Approximation
CPACoupled-pair Approximation
CPAACharged Particle Activation Analysis
CPACCenter For Process Analytical Chemistry
CPAPContinuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPBCardiopulmonary Bypass
CPBCoupled Pressure Bars
CPBACoulomb-projected Born Approximation

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