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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 213

 Acronym Meaning
PMNLead Magnesium Niobate
PMNPolymorphonuclear Leukocyte
PMNPremanufacture Notice
PMOPeriodic Mesoporous Organosilica
PMOPerturbational Molecular Orbital
PMOPerturbed Morse Oscillator (model Potential)
PMOSP-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
PMPPeroxisomal Membrane Protein
PMPPowder Melting Process
PMPProject Management Plan
PMP2(spin) Projected Moeller-Plesset Second-order (perturbation Theory)
PMP4(spin) Projected Moeller-Plesset Fourth-order (perturbation Theory)
PMPINPre-Manufacturing And Pre-Importation Notification
PMPOPerturbed Morse Pekeris Oscillator (model Potential)
PMRProportional Mortality Ratio
PMRProton Magnetic Resonance
PMSPremenstrual Syndrome
PMSRPairwise-mixing Stirred Reactor
PMTPasteurella Multocida Toxin
PMTPhotomultiplier Tube
PMTDIProvisional Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake
PMTRPhotomodulated Thermoreflectance
PNAParaffins, Naphthenes, And Aromatics (in Petroleum Analysis)
PNAPeanut Agglutinin
PNAPeptide Nucleic Acid
PNAPolynuclear Aromatic Compound(s)
PNCParity Nonconservation
PNDDOPartial Neglect Of Diatomic Differential Overlap
PNDOPartial Neglect Of Differential Overlap
PNECPredicted No-effect Concentration
PNETPrimitive Neuroectodermal Tumor
PNGVPartnership For A New Generation Of Vehicles
PNHParoxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
PNNLead Nickel Niobate
PNNProbabilistic Neural Network
PNNLPacific Northwest National Laboratory
PNOPair Natural Orbital
PNOPseudonatural Orbital
PNO-CEPseudonatural Orbital-configuration Expansion
PNO-CEPAPseudonatural Orbital-coupled Electron Pair Approximation
PNO-CIPseudonatural Orbital-configuration Interaction
PNPPurine Nucleoside Phosphorylase
PNRPolarized Neutron Reflection
PNRAPhoton-tagged Nuclear Reaction Analysis
PNSPeripheral Nervous System
POPolarization Orbital
POProjection Operator
PO-DVRPotential Optimized-discrete Variable Representation
PO-DVR-REVPotential Optimized-discrete Variable Representation-ray Eigenvector
PO-MOPars Orbital-MO

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