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Chemistry Acronyms Page 115

 Acronym Meaning
GIRMGeneralized Internal Reference Method
GIRMSGas Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
GISGeographical Information System
GISGas Insulated Switchgear
GISAXSGrazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering
GISNETGeographic Information Systems Bulletin Board
GISPGreenland Ice Sheet Precipitation
GISPRIGlobal Industrial And Social Progress Institute (Japan)
GISSGoddard Institute For Space Studies
GISTGastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
GITGastrointestinal Tract
GITRGlucocorticoid-induced Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor
GITTGalvanostatic Intermittent Titration Technique
GITXRFGlancing Incidence And Takeoff X-ray Fluorescence
GIWAGlobal International Waters Assessment
GIXAGlancing-incidence X-ray Analysis
GIXASGrazing Incidence X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
GIXDGrazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction
GIXRGrazing Incidence X-ray Reflectivity
GIXRDGrazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction
GIXSGrazing Incidence X-ray Scattering
GJICGap Junctional Intercellular Communication
GKSGaspar-Kohn-Sham (potential For Exchange And Correlation In Band Structure Calcns.)
GLADGreat Lakes Atmospheric Deposition
GLADGlancing Angle Deposition
GLAOGeneralized Localized Ao
GLASGeoscience Laser Altimeter System
GLASTGamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLCGround Level Concentration
GLCGas Liquid Chromatography
GLEGeneralized Langevin Equation
GLEAMSGroundwater Loading Effects Of Agricultural Management Systems
GLERLGreat Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
GLFGaussian Lobe Function
GLFGeneralized Laguerre Function
GLIMMERGene Locator And Interpolated Markov Modeler
GLIMPSEGalactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire
GLISGlobal Land Information System
GLISPGreat Lakes International Surveillance Plan
GLMGeneral Linear Model
GLNPOGreat Lakes National Program Office
GLOGaussian Lobe Orbital
GLOBEGlobal Learning And Observations To Benefit The Environment
GLOMACGlobal Modeling Of Atmospheric Chemistry
GLORIAGeological LOng Range Inclined Asdic
GLORIAGold-labeled, Optically Read, Rapid Immunoassay
GLOSSGlobal Sea Level Observing System (of IOC)
GLPGood Laboratory Practices (US FDA)
GLPGreat Lakes Precipitation
GLPGlucagon-like Peptide

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