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Acronyms starting with V Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
VSTAGNASA AcronymsVandenberg Shuttle Turnaround AnalYsis Group
VSTEPChemistry AcronymsVertical-to-surface Transmission Electrophotonic Device
VSTOLUS Military AcronymsVertical/short Takeoff And Landing
VSVChemistry AcronymsVesicular Stomatitis Virus
VSWIRChemistry AcronymsVery Short Wavelength IR
VSWRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVoltage Standing-wave Ratio
VSWRChemistry AcronymsVoltage Standing Wave Ratio
VSWRNASA AcronymsVisual Standing Wave Ratio
VSWRNASA AcronymsVoltage Standing Wave Ratio
VSWRUS Military AcronymsVoltage Standing Wave Ratio
VTNASA AcronymsSTS Processing (KSC VO Dir.)
VTNASA AcronymsVent
VTUncategorized AcronymsVatican City-State (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Vermont (postal Symbol) -Video Tape
VT/VTACHMedical AcronymsVentricular Tachycardia
VTAChemistry AcronymsVentral Tegmental Area
VTAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVirtual Telecommunications Access Method
VTAMComputer And Internet AcronymsVirtual Telecommunications Access Method
VTCUncategorized AcronymsVideo Tele-Conference
VTCComputer And Internet AcronymsVirus Test Center
VTDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVelocity Track Display
VTEChemistry AcronymsVenous Thromboembolism
VTEChemistry AcronymsVertival Tube Exchanger
VTECUncategorized AcronymsVariable Valve Timing And Electronic Lift Control
VTFNASA AcronymsVertical Test Flight
VTHLAstronomy AcronymsVertical Takeoff Horizontal Landing
VTMNASA AcronymsVibration Test Module
VTMKMedical Acronyms (Slang)Voice To Melt Knickers (the Voice Deliberately Cultivated By Some Doctors)
VTNNASA AcronymsVerification TestNetwork
VTOUS Military AcronymsVertical Takeoff
VTOLUncategorized AcronymsVertical Take-Off & Landing
VTOLUS Military AcronymsVertical Takeoff And Landing
VTPNASA AcronymsVehicle Test Plan
VTPNASA AcronymsVerification TestProgram
VTPNASA AcronymsVerification Test Plan
VTPRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVertical Temperature Profile Radiometer
VTPRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVertical Temperature Profile Radiometer
VTRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVideo Tape Recorder
VTRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVideo Tape Recorder
VTRChemistry AcronymsVertical Tube Reactor
VTRNASA AcronymsVerification TextReports
VTRNASA AcronymsVideo Tape Recorder
VTRNASA AcronymsVideo Tape Recorder
VTRUS Military AcronymsVideo Tape Recorder
VTSNASA AcronymsVandenberg Tracking Station
VTSNASA AcronymsVertical Test Site
VTSNASA AcronymsVertical Test Stand
VTSNASA AcronymsVertical Test System
VTSTChemistry AcronymsVariational Transition-state Theory
VTVLAstronomy AcronymsVertical Takeoff Vertical Landing
VTVMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVacuum Tube Voltmeter
VTVMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVacuum Tube Voltmeter
VTVMNASA AcronymsVacuumTubeVoltmeter
VTXNASA AcronymsVertex
VTXTSUS Military AcronymsUndergraduate Jet Flight Training Program Sys
VTZChemistry AcronymsValence Triple Zeta (basis Set)
VUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVoice Unit
VUNASA AcronymsVehicleUnit
VUNASA AcronymsVehicle Utility
VUNASA AcronymsVolumeUnit
VUUncategorized AcronymsVanuatu (ISO 3166 Digram) -Vedanta University
VU-CCChemistry AcronymsValence Universal-coupled Cluster
VU-CCSD/RChemistry AcronymsValence Universal-coupled Cluster (with) Single (and) Double (excitations) (r = Radial Components Of The Cluster Amplitudes)
VU-LCCChemistry AcronymsValence-universal-linear Coupled Cluster
VUGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVisualization Users Group
VUTUncategorized AcronymsVanuatu (ISO 3166 Trigram)
VUVChemistry AcronymsVacuum Ultraviolet
VUVUncategorized AcronymsVanuatu Vatu (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
VVNASA AcronymsVent Valve
VVNASA AcronymsVertical Velocity
VVUncategorized AcronymsVia Voice - Village Voice
VV&AUncategorized AcronymsVerification, Validation, And Accreditation
VV&AUS Military AcronymsVerification, Validation, And Accreditation
VVAFUncategorized AcronymsVietnam Veterans Of America Foundation
VVHAPChemistry AcronymsVery Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutant
VVINASA AcronymsVertical Velocity Indicator
VVSAstronomy AcronymsVoenno-Vosdushniye Sili
VWMedical AcronymsVessel Wall
VWMedical AcronymsVessel Wall
VWUncategorized AcronymsVolkswagen
VWDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsVery Well Done
VWGChatting AcronymsVery Wicked Grin
VWGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsVery Wicked Grin
VWNChemistry AcronymsVosko-Wilk-Nusair (model Potential In Quantum Calcns.)
VWPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsVery Well Played
VWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVertical Wind Shear
VWSChatting AcronymsVery Wicked Smile
VWSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsVery Wicked Smile
VXChemistry AcronymsO-ethyl-S-2-diisopropylaminoethyl Methylphosphonothiolate
VXNASA AcronymsVelocity Along The X-Axis
VXUS Military AcronymsBest Angle Of Climb Speed
VYNASA AcronymsVelocity Along The Y-Axis
VYUS Military AcronymsBest Rate Of Climb Speed
VZNASA AcronymsVelocity Along The Z-Axis
VZUncategorized AcronymsVerizon Communications (NYSE Code)
VZVChemistry AcronymsVaricella-zoster Virus
VZWUncategorized AcronymsVereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk (Dutch Non-profit Organisation)

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