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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: FD

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

F*cking Drunk

Other acronyms from this category

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HI5HIV Positive ("V" Being The Roman Numeral For 5)
ESEiffel Syndrome - From "I Fell On It" Excuse By Patient With A Foreign Object In The Rectum
TLRTwo Legged Rat - Refers To A Patient Undergoing Experimental Or Extreme Treatments
PIAFPIssed As A Fart (drunk) (also PAAF -Pissed As A Fart)
SBODStupid Bitch / Bastard On Drugs
IWBIntercourse With Biscuits (F**king Crackers)
MGMMGM Syndrome (as In The Movie Maker) - Faker Putting On A Real Good Show
IFOI"I Fell On It" - (also Eiffel Syndrome) Universal Explanation Given By A Patient With A Foreign Object In The Rectum
VACVultures Are Circling (dying)
MICOMasterly Inactivity And Catlike Observation

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