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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: ASD(SO&HA)

Category: Uncategorized Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

(U.S.) Assistant Secretary Of Defense (Special Operations & Humanitarian Assistance)

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DICDesign Island Centre (computing Usually Used In A Teaching Situation)
JTFJoint Task Force
CWRUCase Western Reserve University
RARain (METAR Code) -Rear Area - Reinforced Alert - Republican Army - Right Ascension - Royal Artillery (UK) - Royal Academy
RCTRandomized Controlled Trial - Robotically Controlled Telescope
PDRYPeople's Democratic Republic Of Yemen (obsolete Since 1990)
YEYemen (ISO 3166 Digram)
OBObedience - Obligation - Obligatory - Obsolete - Obstetrics -Ocean Beach (California) - Off Break (cricket) - Old Bryanstonian - Order Of Battle - Outlet Box (electrical) -Overbought (stock Market) -Oversight Board

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