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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: AS

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FCOUK Foreign And Commonwealth Office
TDAThe Disney Afternoon
CCCPCentral Committee Of The Communist Party - Cyrillic For SSSR (Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik
JDJack Daniels (whiskey) - Julian Day - Juris Doctor (Latin
DZDAlgerian Dinar (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
DOTDepartment Of Transportation (U.S. Federal Or State)
LJLa Jolla - Larry Johnson - LaserJet - Library Journal - Linux Journal - LiveJournal - Ljubljana - Lord Justice Of Appeal -Sierra National Airlines (IATA Code)
DWIDance With Intensity - Danish West Indies - Diffusion-weighted Imaging - Direct Water Injection - Disaster Welfare Inquiry - Drinking Water Inspectorate - Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired
NAVSPACECOMU.S. Navy Space Command

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