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Acronyms starting with L Page 6

 Acronym Category Meaning
LDMOSChemistry AcronymsLaterally Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor
LDMOSUncategorized Acronyms Lateral Double-diffused MOS Transistor (ell-dee-moss)
LDMSChemistry AcronymsLaser Desorption Mass Spectrometry
LDNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLocal Data Network
LDOSChemistry AcronymsLocal Density Of States
LDPEChemistry AcronymsLow Density Polyethylene
LDPEXChemistry AcronymsCross-linked
LDPOChemistry AcronymsLinearly Driven Parametric Oscillator (model In Energy Transfer Calcns. In Mol. Collisions)
LDQChemistry AcronymsLinnett Double Quartet (equivalent To Nonpairing Spatial Orbital Theory)
LDRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLIDAR
LDRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLinear Depolarization Ratio
LDRChemistry AcronymsLand Disposal Restriction(s)
LDRChemistry AcronymsLinear Dynamic Range
LDRChemistry AcronymsLow Dose Radiation
LDRNASA AcronymsLow Data Rate
LDRNASA AcronymsLowData Rate
LDRSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLong-distance Relationship
LDRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLong Distance Relationship
LDRPChemistry AcronymsLeak Detection And Repair Program
LDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLightning Detection System
LDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLinear Depolarization Ratio
LDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLoral Defense Systems
LDSChemistry AcronymsLeak Detection System
LDSChemistry AcronymsLinear Dichroism Spectrometry
LDSNASA AcronymsLanLanding
LDSNASA AcronymsLanding/Deceleration Subsystem
LDSNASA AcronymsLanLoads
LDSUncategorized AcronymsLatter Day Saint - Liberal Democracy Of Slovenia
LDTChemistry AcronymsLight Duty Truck
LDTNASA AcronymsLinear Displacement Transducer
LDTOFChemistry AcronymsLaser-Desorption Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
LDTTWAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLet's Do The Time Warp Again
LDVChemistry AcronymsLaser Doppler Velocimetry
LDVChemistry AcronymsLight Duty Vehicle
LDVUncategorized AcronymsLocal Defence Volunteers (British Home Guard)
LEMedical AcronymsLupus Erythematosus
LEMedical AcronymsLower Extremities
LENASA AcronymsLauLeading Edge
LENASA AcronymsLaunch Escape
LEUncategorized AcronymsLebanon (FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
LEANASA AcronymsLogistics Engineering Analysis (Analyses)
LEABusiness And FinanceLocal Education Authority
LEACHChemistry AcronymsLeaching Evaluation Of Agricultural Chemicals
LEACHMChemistry AcronymsLeaching Estimation And Chemistry Model
LEACHMPChemistry AcronymsLeaching Estimation And Chemistry Model-pesticides
LEADEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLead Experiment
LEAFSChemistry AcronymsLaser-Excited Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
LEAPChemistry AcronymsLocal-electrode Atom Probe
LEARChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Antiproton Ring
LEARNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLaboratory Experience In Atmospheric Research
LEARN (PROJECT)Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsLaboratory Experience In Atmospheric Research
LEBNASA AcronymsLower Equipment Bay
LECChemistry AcronymsLight-emitting Electrochemical Cell
LECChemistry AcronymsLiquid Encapsulated Czochralski
LECNASA AcronymsLockheed Electronics Company
LECUncategorized AcronymsLocal Exchange Carrier
LECDChemistry AcronymsLifetime Equivalent Constant Dose
LECIVAChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Charge-induced Voltage Alteration
LEDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLight Emitting Diode
LEDChemistry AcronymsLight-emitting Diode
LEDChemistry AcronymsLongitudinal Eddy Current Delay
LEDNASA AcronymsLight Emitting Diode
LEDNASA AcronymsLight-emitting Diode
LEDSatellite Meterology AcronymsLight Emitting Diode
LEDUncategorized AcronymsLight-Emitting Diode
LEDUS Military AcronymsLight Emitting Diode
LEDComputer And Internet AcronymsLight Emitting Diode
LEDAAstronomy AcronymsOn-line Earthnet Data Access
LEDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOn-line Earthnet Data Access
LEDOChemistry AcronymsLimited Expansion Of Diatomic Overlap
LEEBIChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Electron Beam Irradiation
LEEDChemistry AcronymsLow-energy Electron Diffraction
LEEIXSChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Electron Induced X-ray Spectrometry
LEELSChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Electron Loss Spectroscopy
LEEMChemistry AcronymsLow-energy Electron Microscopy
LEEMSChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Electron Mass Spectroscopy
LEEPChemistry AcronymsLow-energy Solvent Extraction Process
LEEPMedical AcronymsLoop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure
LEEPSChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Electron Point Source
LEERMChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Electron Reflection Microscopy
LEESChemistry AcronymsLocal Excess-electron State (a Mol.-crystal Wave Function)
LEFChemistry AcronymsLarge-amplitude Elec. Field Fluctuations
LEFIChemistry AcronymsLocal Electric Field Instrument
LEFMChemistry AcronymsLinear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
LEGADUncategorized AcronymsLegal Advice
LEGOChemistry AcronymsLean Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
LEHNASA AcronymsLaunch/Entry Helmet
LEIChemistry AcronymsLaser Enhanced Ionization
LEIRChemistry AcronymsLow Energy Ion Ring
LEISChemistry AcronymsLow-Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
LEISSChemistry AcronymsLow-energy Ion-scattering Spectroscopy
LELChemistry AcronymsLower Explosion Limit
LELChemistry AcronymsLowest Effect Level
LEMAstronomy AcronymsLunar Excursion Module
LEMNASA AcronymsLaboratory Environment Model
LEMNASA AcronymsLaunch Escape Monitor
LEMAChemistry AcronymsLeast Error Matrix Analysis
LEMAOChemistry AcronymsLeast Energy Minimal Atomic Orbital
LEMFChemistry AcronymsLaser-excited Molecular Fluorescence
LEMOChemistry AcronymsLowest Empty Molecular Orbital (equivalent To LUMO)

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