| Acronym | Meaning |
| UI | User Interface |
| UIC | Unit Identification Code |
| UIMS | User Interface Management System |
| UJT | Unijunction Transistor |
| UM | Unit Of Measure |
| UMTS | Universal Maintenance Training System |
| UNCRYPT | Universal Cryptological Processor Training |
| UOC | Usable On Code |
| UPD | Update |
| UPR | Upper |
| URT | Universal Remote Terminal |
| USAF | United States Air Force |
| USB | Upper Side Band |
| USMC | United States Marine Corps |
| USN | United States Navy |
| UTIL | Utility |
| UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
| UUT | Unit Under Test |
| V&V | Verification And Validation |
| V-COM | Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (sdv) Comm System |
| V/M/S | Vision/mission/strategy |
| V/STOL | Vertical/short Takeoff And Landing |
| VA | Maneuvering Speed |
| VADS | Verdix Ada Development System |
| VAPI | Visual Approach Path Indicator |
| VASI | Visual Approach Slope Indicator |
| VAX | Digital Equipment Corp 32 Bit Mini-computer |
| VCR | Video Cassette Recorder |
| VCX | Tactical Air Warfare Combat Logistic Support |
| VDD | Version Description Document |
| VDI | Video |
| VE | Value Engineering |
| VECP | Value Engineering Change Proposal |
| VERT | Vertical |
| VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
| VH | Speed, Horizontal Flight |
| VHF | Very High Frequency |
| VIB | Vast Interface Bulletin (tdc 88) |
| VIB | Vibration |
| VIC | Vast Interface Change (tdc 87) |
| VID | Vertical Indication Display |
| VID | Video |
| VIDS | Visual Information Display System |
| VIDS/MAF | Vids Maintenance Action Form |
| VIDS/MAF | Visual Information Display System/maintenance Action Form |
| VL | Vertical Landing |
| VLAD | Deep Passive Sonobuoy |
| VLAD | Vertical Line Array Difar |
| VLC | Very Low Clearance |
| VLF | Very Low Frequency |