| Acronym | Meaning |
| PP | Present Position |
| PP | Program Package Udi-s-21273b |
| PP | Program Plan |
| PP&C | Program Planning And Control |
| PPB | Power Plant Bulletin (tdc 01) |
| PPB | Provisioning Parts Breakdown |
| PPBIT | Pre-periodic Built-in Test |
| PPC | Powerplant Change (tdc 02) |
| PPCO | Provisioning Principal Contracting Office |
| PPD | Program Package Document |
| PPI | Planned Position Indicator |
| PPIL | Parts Provisioning Index List |
| PPL | Process Programming Language |
| PPL | Provisioning Parts List |
| PPLI | Precise Participant Location And Identification |
| PPP | Personnel Performance Profile |
| PPPI | Preplanned Product Improvement |
| PPS | Program Performance Schedule |
| PPS | Program Performance Spec Udi-e-21269b/mod |
| PPSL | Parts Program Selection List |
| PQAP | Planned Quality Assurance Program |
| PQS | Personnel Qualification Standard |
| PR | Purchase Request |
| PRB | Propeller Bulletin (tdc 65) |
| PRC | Portable Recompression Chamber |
| PRC | Propeller Change (tdc 64) |
| PRDR | Preproduction Reliability Design Review |
| PREIS | Prototype Engineering Information System |
| PRES | Present |
| PRESS | Pressure |
| PRF | Pulse Repetition Frequency |
| PRGB | Proprotor Gearbox |
| PRI | Primary |
| PRISM | Portable Reuseable Integrated Software Nodules |
| PROC | Processor |
| PRODEVCEN | Program Development Center |
| PROFILE | Project |
| PROM | Programmable Read Only Memory |
| PROP | Proprotor |
| PROPTIP | Proprotor Tip |
| PROT | Protection |
| PRR | Pilot Record Request |
| PRR | Production Readiness Review |
| PRR | Production Revision Record |
| PRR | Production Revision Request |
| PRS | Provisioning Requirements Statement |
| PRV | Pressure Relief Valve |
| PRV | Pressure Regulator Valve |
| PS | Particle Separater |
| PS | Pressure Switch |