| Acronym | Meaning |
| PDS | Project Design Standards |
| PDSL | Power Demand Signal Left |
| PDSR | Power Demand Signal Right |
| PDSS | Post Deployment Software Support |
| PDU | Power Drive Unit |
| PE | Project Engineer |
| PEC | Passive Equipment Cabinet |
| PECP | Preliminary Engineering Change Proposal |
| PENQUIN | Combat System |
| PEO | Program Executive Officer |
| PEP | Proposal Evaluation Plan |
| PER | Proposal Evaluation Report |
| PERF | Performance |
| PERM | Permanent |
| PERT | Program Eval And Review Technique |
| PET | Propulsion Engineering Trainer |
| PFA | Participating Field Activity |
| PFBIT | Pre-flight Built-in Test |
| PFCS | Primary Flight Control System |
| PFM | Plan For Maintenance |
| PFM | Precision Flight Mode |
| PFN | Pulse Forming Network |
| PG | Page |
| PG | Patrol Combatant Ship |
| PGH | Patrol Gunboat (hydrofoil)(coastal Patrol Combatant) |
| PGRDS | Prototype Generic Radar Display System |
| PGSE | Peculiar Ground Support Equipment |
| PGTL | Planning Group For Training And Logistics |
| PGTS | Precision Gunnery Training System |
| PHA | Preliminary Hazard Analysis |
| PHB | Photographic Bulletin (tdc 69) |
| PHC | Photographic Change (tdc 68) |
| PHIGS | Programmer's Hierachical Interactive Graphics System (iso) |
| PHM | Patrol Hydrofoil Guided Missile Ship (combatant |
| PHMS | Pilot Helmet Sight System |
| PHS&T | Packaging, Handling, Storage And Transportation |
| PI | Procurement Instruction |
| PIDS | Prime Item Development Specification |
| PIM | Plan For Maintenance |
| PIM | Point Of Intended Movement |
| PIMA | Plug-in Module Adapter |
| PIT | Pitot |
| PJM | Project Manager (ntsc) |
| PLC | Programming Language Committee |
| PLCC | Provisioning List Category Code |
| PLISN | Provisioning List Item Sequence Number |
| PLP | Pitch Lock Pin |
| PLRS | Position, Location, And Reporting System |
| PLT | Pilottmtproduction Lead Time |
| PM | Periodic Maintenance |