| Acronym | Meaning |
| MCMM | Memory Controller Module With Memory |
| MCOR | Marine Corps |
| MCP | Maximum Continuous Power |
| MCR | Manual Change Release |
| MCRL | Master Cross Reference List |
| MCSE | Magnetic Course |
| MCTCA | Navy Meterology And Calibration Program |
| MCV | Main Control Valve |
| MDCS | Maintenance Data Collection System |
| MDMDS | Maintenance Data System |
| MDMDS | Modular Data System |
| MDTS | Mcdonnell Doughlas Training Systems |
| MDTUM | Mean Down Time For Unscheduled Maintenance |
| MDU | Multiplexer And Distribution Unit |
| MDU | Multiplexer Decoder Unit |
| MDWG | Midwing |
| ME | Mechanical Engineering |
| MED | Medium |
| MEDEVAC | Aeromedical Evacuation |
| MEESTO | Modification Engineering Evaluation & Sub-task Order (4720/15) |
| MEF | Mad Environmental Filters |
| MEI | Maintenance Engineering Inspection |
| MEM | Memory |
| MENS | Mission Element Needs Statement |
| MEPS | Modification Engineering Program Status |
| MESM | Mission Essential Subsystem Matrix |
| METS | Mobile Electronic Threat Simulator |
| METS | Mobile Electronic Test Set |
| MFD | Multifunction Display |
| MFHBCMA | Mean Flight Hours Between Unscheduled Maintenance Actions |
| MFHBF | Mean Flight Hours Between Failures |
| MFHBF-DC | Mean Flight Hours Between Failures-design Controllable |
| MFHBUMA | Mean Flight Hours Between Unscheduled Maintenance Actions |
| MFHBVF | Mean Flight Hours Between Verified Failures |
| MFOV | Medium Field Of View |
| MFPL | Message Format Processing Language |
| MFPT | Maintenance Fleet Project Team |
| MFR | Multifunction Radar |
| MGFEL | Master Government Furnished Equipment List |
| MGMT | Management |
| MGOT | Measured Gas Overtemperature |
| MGT | Measured Gas Temperature |
| MGTL | Measured Gas Temperature Left |
| MGTR | Measured Gas Temperature Right |
| MGW | Mission Gross Weight |
| MHDG | Magnetic Heading |
| MHZ | Megahertz |
| MIC | Microphone |
| MIC | Management Information Center |
| MIDAS | Mine Detection And Avoidance Sonar |