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 Acronym Meaning
GALCITGuggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory
GANGYGreen Anorak
GAOU.S. Government Accountability Office
GAWGlobal Atmospheric Watch
GBGabon (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland (ISO 3166 Digram)
GBBCGreat Backyard Bird Count
GBEKnight/Dame Grand Cross Of The Order Of The British Empire
GBHGrievous Bodily Harm
GBPUnited Kingdom Pound Sterling (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
GBRUnited Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland (ISO 3166 Trigram)
GBUGlide-Bomb Unit - Global Business Unit
GCEast Germany (NATO Country Code; Obsolete 1990) -General Counsel -Gigacoulomb
GCCS Global Command And Control System (geeks)
GCDSee Entry
GCFGreatest Common Factor
GCIGround-controlled Interception
GCNGamma-ray Burst Coordination Network
GCSGlobal Coordinate System
GCSEGeneral Certificate Of Secondary Education (UK)
GDGrenada (ISO 3166 Digram)
GDScottish Gaelic Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
GDCGame Developers Conference
GDCGeneral Dental Council
GDLGame Definition Language
GDPGeneral Dental Practitioner (UK) - Gross Domestic Product
GDRGeneral Distribution Release (Microsoft Term For A Software Service Release; Between Hotfix And Service Pack)
GDRGerman Democratic Republic (cf. DDR)
GDWGame Designers Workshop
GEGeneral Electric - Genetic Engineering (cf. GM) -Georgia (ISO 3166 Digram)
GEBCOGeneral Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans
GECGreat Engineering Challenge
GEDGeneral Education Development
GEEPGeophysical Equipment Exploration Platform
GELGeorgian Lari (ISO 4217 Currency Code) - Gilbert And Ellice Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1977)
GEMAGas And Electricity Markets Authority - Georgia Emergency Management Agency -Gesellschaft Fr Musikalische Auffhrungs- Und Mechanische Vervielf?ltigungsrechte (German Performance Rights Organisation) -Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance
GENFull General (four Stars) In The U.S. Army
GEOGeostationary Earth Orbit -Georgia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
GEOSGraphical Environment Operating System
GESTAPOGEheime STAatsPOlizei (German Secret State Police)
GEVGround Effect Vehicle
GFFrench Guiana (ISO 3166 Digram) - Gigafarad
GFCIGround Fault Circuit Interruptor (aka GFI)
GFDLGNU Free Documentation License
GFEGirl Friend Experience (used In Escort Services) - Good Faith Estimate - Government Furnished Equipment
GFIGround Fault Interruptor (aka GFCI)
GFNGlobal Footprint Network
GFYGood For You Or Go Fuck Yourself

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