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MS Symptoms Early

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CHAOSCambridge Heart Anti-Oxydant Study
CHEChechen Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
CHESwitzerland (ISO 3166 Trigram; From Latin Confoederatio Helvetica)
CHFSwiss Franc (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
CHIComputer-Human Interaction
CHIPCalifornia Highway Patrol
CHIPSCosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer
CHLChile (ISO 3166 Trigram)
CHNChina (ISO 3166 Trigram)
CHPCalifornia Highway Patrol - Combined Heat And Power
CHRSCanadian Heart Rhythm Society
CHSCombat Health Support
CHTCertified Hand Therapist
CHUOld Church Slavonic Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
CHVChuvash Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
CIChile (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - C?te D'Ivoire (ISO 3166 Digram) -Counter-Intelligence
CIACairo International Airport - Central Intelligence Agency - Culinary Institute Of America
CIAOCritical Infrastructure Assurance Office - Component-Integrated ACE ORB
CIBComplete In Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings)
CIBCCanadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (obsolete)
CICSCustomer Information Control System (IBM Mainframe Software; Kicks Or C-I-C-S)
CIDCombat Identification -Criminal Investigation Division - Criminal Investigations Department
CIEFComit? International D'enregistrement Des Fr?quences (International Frequency Registration Board)
CIMICCivil-Military Co-operation
CIMMYTCentro Internacional De Mejoramiento De Ma­z Y Trigo (Spanish
CINCCommander In Chief
CINEOSCampo Imperatore Near-Earth Objects Survey
CIOChief Information Officer - Congress Of Industrial Organizations
CIPCombat Identification Panel
CIPE(European) Centre For International Political Economy
CIR(Commander's) Critical Information Requirements
CIRCorotating Interaction Region
CISCanadian Interuniversity Sport - Commonwealth Of Independent States - Command And Information System - Communication And Information System
CISA(U.S.) C4I Integration Support Activity
CISBComplete In Sealed Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings)
CISPRComit? International Sp?cial Des Perturbations Radio?lectriques (Special International Committee On Radio Interference)
CISSPCertified Information Systems Security Professional
CITESConvention On International Trade In Endangered Species (of Wild Fauna And Flora) (sigh-tease)
CITSCombat Identification Training System
CIVC?te D'Ivoire (ISO 3166 Trigram)
CIVPOPCivilian Population
CIWSClose-In Weapon System
CICommission Internationale De L'?clairage
CJCayman Islands (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Criminal Justice
CJCCanadian Jewish Congress
CJDChronological Julian Day - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
CJOChief Of Joint Operations

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