| Acronym | Meaning |
| MINW | Master Interface Network |
| MIO | Management Integration Office |
| MIOS | Multi-IMU Operation System |
| MIP | Mandatory Inspection Point |
| MIP | MinimumImpulsePulse |
| MIP | MMU Integration Plan |
| MIP | Modification Instruction Package |
| MIPR | Military Intergovernmental Purchase Request |
| MIPS | Merritt Island Press Site |
| MIR | Malfunction Investigation Report |
| MIR | Mirror |
| MIS | Management Information System |
| MIS | Manipulator Jettison System (Subsystem) |
| MIS | Mission Information Subsystem |
| MIT | Massachusetts Institut@ Of Technology (CSDL) |
| MIT | Master InstructionTape |
| MIU | Multiplex Interface Unit |
| MJCA | Midbody Jettison Control Assembly |
| MK | Mark |
| MKTI | Mission Kit Technical Instruction |
| ML | Middeck Left |
| ML | Mobile Launcher |
| ML | Mold Line |
| ML | PED Mobile Launcher Pedestal |
| MLB | Multilayer Board |
| MLC | Mobile Launcher Computer |
| MLF | MDM Launch Forward |
| MLG | Main Landing Gear |
| MLG | Main Landing Gear |
| MLI | Multilayer Insulation |
| MLL | MDM Launch Left |
| MLP | Mobile Launch (Launcher) Platform |
| MLP | Mobile Launcher Platform |
| MLR | MDM Launch Right |
| MLR | Monodisperse Latex Reactor |
| MLS | Microwave Landing System |
| MLS | Microwave Landing System |
| MLW | Maximum Landing Weight |
| MM | Main Memory |
| MM | Main Module |
| MM | Major Mode |
| MM | Major Mode Or Mass Memory |
| MM | Man-Month |
| MM | Mass Memory |
| MM | Math Model |
| MM | Millimeter |
| MM | Mission Manager |
| MMACS | Maintenance Management And Control System |
| MMAS | Material Management Accounting (Accountability) System |
| MMC | Martin Marietta Corporation |