| Acronym | Meaning |
| EUV | Extreme Ultraviolet |
| EUVE | Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (NASA Satellite) |
| EUVID | Extreme UV Imaging Detector |
| EUVL | Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography |
| EVA | Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Copolymer |
| EVA | Extravehicular Activity (related To Spacecraft) |
| EVAD | Electro-hydraulic Ventricular Assist Device (heart Implantable) |
| EVB | Empirical Valence Bond |
| EVB | Effective Valence Bond (hamiltonian) |
| EVD | Electrochem. Vapor Deposition |
| EVE | Ethyl Vinyl Ether |
| EVLSM | Evanescent Wave Light-scattering Microscopy |
| EVOH | Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol |
| EWALD | Evanescent Wave Analysis With Laser Diodes |
| EWIA | Eikonal (distorted) Wave Impulse Approxn. (for Scattering) |
| EWMA | Exponentially Weighted Moving Average |
| EWMO | Energy Weighted Maximum Overlap Method |
| EWPCA | European Water Pollution Control Association |
| EWS | Engineering Workstation |
| EX-MEG | Excited-mixed Exponentially Generated (wave Function) |
| EXAFS | Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure |
| EXAMS | Exposure Analysis Modeling System |
| EXEFS | Extended X-ray Emission Fine Structure |
| EXELFS | Extended Energy-loss Fine Structure |
| EXES | Electron-induced X-ray Emission Spectrometry |
| EXFAS | Extended Fine Auger Structure |
| EXGEM | Extended Geminal (model Correlated Wave Function) |
| EXGF(1) | Extended Group Function(1) (model Wave Function Accounting For Electron Correlation) |
| EXOSAT | European X-ray Observatory Satellite |
| EXPASY | Expert Protein Analysis System |
| EXPOLIS | Air Pollution Exposure Distribution Within Adult Urban Populations In Europe |
| EXPRES | Expert System For Pesticide Regulatory Evaluations And Simulations |
| EXPRESSO | Experiment For Regional Sources And Sinks Of Oxidants |
| EXRHF | Extended Restricted Hartree-Fock |
| EXSY | Exchange Spectroscopy |
| EYFP | Enhanced Yellow Fluorescent Protein |
| F-PURE | Florida Pesticide Use Risk Evaluation |
| F/M | Food To Microorganism Ratio |
| F4 | Fourth-order Feenberg (quantum Theory) |
| FAAO | Free-atom Atomic Orbital |
| FAAS | Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy |
| FAB | Fast Atom Bombardment (mass Spectrometry) |
| FABMS | Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry |
| FABP | Fatty Acid-binding Protein |
| FACCE | Frontal Analysis Continuous Capillary Electrophoresis |
| FACE | Forests Absorbing Carbon Dioxide Emission |
| FACE | Fluorophore-assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis |
| FACE | Free Air Controlled Enrichment Program |
| FACM | Friable Asbestos-Containing Material |
| FACOSH | Federal Advisory Council For Occupational Safety And Health |