| Acronym | Meaning |
| ESFF | Extensible Systematic Force Field |
| ESG | Electronic Specialty Gases |
| ESH | Environmental Safety And Health |
| ESHRE | European Society For Human Reproduction And Embryolog |
| ESI | Electrospray Ionization |
| ESI | Ease-of-separation Index |
| ESI | Electronic Supplementary Information |
| ESIC | Earth Science Information Center |
| ESIC | Electrostatic Interaction Chromatography |
| ESID | Environmental Statistics And Information Division |
| ESID | Electron Stimulated Ion Desorption |
| ESIE | Electron Stimulated Ion Emission |
| ESIG | European Solvents Industry Group |
| ESIMS | Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
| ESIPT | Excited-state Intramolecular Proton Transfer |
| ESIS | European Structural Integrity Society |
| ESIX | Electrically Switched Ion Exchange |
| ESM | Exponential-series Method |
| ESMO | Excited-state Molecular Orbital |
| ESMR | Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer |
| ESMS | Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
| ESMST | European Society Of Membrane Science And Technology |
| ESMSV | Exponential-spline Morse-spline Van Der Waals (interat.potential) |
| ESO | European Southern Observatory |
| ESP | Electron Spin Polarization |
| ESP | Electrostatic Precipitator |
| ESP | Elimination Of Solvation Procedure |
| ESP | Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (soils) |
| ESPI | Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry |
| ESPRIT | European Strategic Programme For Research And Development In Information Technology |
| ESPS | Electrode-separated Piezoelectric Sensor |
| ESPT | Electron Spin Polarization Transfer |
| ESPT | Excited-state Proton Transfer |
| ESQC | Elastic Scattering Quantum Chemistry |
| ESQUIRE | External Source QUIstor With Resonance Ejection |
| ESR | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate |
| ESR | Electron Spin Resonance |
| ESR | Electroslag Refining |
| ESR | Electroslag Remelting |
| ESRD | End-stage Renal Disease |
| ESRF | European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
| ESRIN | European Space Research Institute |
| ESS | European Spallation Source |
| ESS | Environmental Sampling For Safeguards |
| ESSESA | Expert System For Structure Elucidation From Spectral Analysis |
| ESSP | Earth Systems Science Pathfinder |
| ESSP | Eddy Statistics Scientific Panel |
| EST | Eastern Standard Time |
| EST | Expressed Sequence Tag |
| EST | External Standardization Technique |