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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 96

 Acronym Meaning
ESEmission Spectroscopy (technique Suffix)
ESEnergy Sudden (approxn. In Scattering Calcns.)
ES&HEnvironmental Safety And Health
ESAElectrostatic Self-assemblypar
ESAEndangeded Species Act
ESAEuropean Space Agency
ESAElectrokinetic Sonic Amplitude
ESAElectron Stimulated Adsorption
ESAElectrostatic Analyzer
ESAElectrostatic Sector Analysis
ESAEnergy Sudden Approxn. (in Calcns. On Reactive Scattering)
ESAExcited State Absorption
ESA-IRSEuropean Space Agency-Information Retrieval Service
ESAAEarth Science Advanced Aircraft
ESADElectron-stimulated Associative Desorption
ESAPEnvironmental Self-assessment Program
ESARDAEuropean Safeguards Research And Development Association
ESATEnvironmental Services Assistance Team
ESCEmbryonic Stem Cell
ESCEndometrial Stromal Cell
ESCEnvironmental Stress Cracking
ESCAElectron Spectroscopy For Chemical Analysis
ESCAPEEvaluation Of Strategies To Address Climate Change By Adapting To And Preventing Emissions
ESCOMPTE(Experience Sur Site Pour Contraindre Les Modeles De Pollution Atmospherique Et De Transport D'emissions)
ESCORTError Self-compensation Reached By Tau-scrambling
ESCPMElectrochemical Scanning Probe Microscopy
ESCREnvironmental Stress Cracking Resistance
ESDElement-Specific Detector
ESDEmission Standards Division
ESDEnvironmental Services Division (US EPA)
ESDElectron-stimulated Desorption
ESDElectrostatic Discharge
ESDEquiv. Spherical Diam.
ESDBEndangered Species Database/Reach Scanlink
ESDIElectron Stimulated Desorption Of Ions
ESDIADElectron Stimulated Desorption Of Ion Angular Distribution
ESDIMEarth System Data And Information Management
ESDMSElectron Stimulated Desorption Mass Spectrometry
ESDNElectron Stimulated Desorption Of Neutrals
ESEElectron Spin Echo
ESEExact Static-exchange (approxn. In Scattering Calcns.)
ESEExtended-surface Electrolysis
ESE MOEssential-structure-elements Molecular Orbital
ESEDDExcited State Electron Density Differential Method
ESEEMElectron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation
ESEMElectron Spin Echo Modulation
ESEMEnvironmental Scanning Electron Microscopy
ESEPExact Static Exchange (plus) Polarization (potential)
ESESEnvironmental Sampling Expert System
ESFElectrostatic Force (theory For Mol. Calcns.)

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