| Acronym | Meaning |
| ERCP | Emergency Response Concept Plan |
| ERCP | Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography |
| ERCS | Emergency Response Cleanup Services |
| ERCS | Elastic Recoil Coincidence Spectroscopy |
| ERD | Emergency Response Division |
| ERD | Electron Recoil Detection |
| ERDA | US Energy Research And Development Administration |
| ERDA | Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis |
| ERDAS | Earth Resource Data Analysis System |
| ERDEC | U.S. Army Edgewood Research |
| ERE | Estrogen-responsive Element |
| ERF | Electrorheological Fluid |
| ERFEN | Estudio Regional Del Fenomeno El Nino |
| ERG | Emergency Response Guidebook |
| ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center |
| ERIIS | Environmental Risk Information And Imaging Services |
| ERIN | Environmental Resources Information Network |
| ERIS | Electrochemically Regenerated Ion Suppressors |
| ERIS | Electrostatic Reflex Ion Source |
| ERK | Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase |
| ERL | Environmental Research Laboratory |
| ERL-C | Environmental Research Laboratory Corvallis |
| ERL/GB | Environmental Research Laboratory Gulf Breeze |
| ERLN | Environmental Research Laboratory Narragansett |
| ERM | Electron Redistribution Model |
| ERMM | Effective R-matrix Model (in Reactive Electron-mol. Scattering) |
| ERMS | Emergency Radiation Monitoring System |
| ERMS | Energy Resolved Mass Spectrometry |
| ERNS | Emergency Response Notification System |
| EROD | Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (REG 59793-97-4) |
| EROS | Earth Resources Observation Satellite |
| EROS | Elaboration Of Reactions For Organic Synthesis |
| EROS | Electric Resonance Optothermal Spectrometer |
| ERP | Effective Refractory Period |
| ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
| ERP | Event-related Potential |
| ERP | Emergency Response Planning |
| ERP | Environmental Review Process |
| ERPA | Extended Random Phase Approximation |
| ERPF | Effective Renal Plasma Flow |
| ERPG | Emergency Response Planning Guidelines |
| ERRD | Emergency And Remedial Response Division |
| ERRIS | Emergency And Remedial Response Information System |
| ERS | Elastic Recoil Spectrometry |
| ERS | External Reflection Spectroscopy |
| ERT | Environmental Response Team |
| ERT | Effective-range Theory (in Mol. Calcns.) |
| ERT | Estrogen Replacement Therapy |
| ERW | Electrical Resistance Welding |
| ES | Electrospray [used Before MS For Mass Spectrometry] |