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Chemistry Acronyms Page 89

 Acronym Meaning
EIAEnzyme Immunoassay
EIAESElectron Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy
EIAPEnvironmental Impact Analysis Process
EICElectrostatic Interaction Chromatography
EICPEnclosed Inductively Coupled Plasma
EICVOMEquivalent Ionic Core Virtual Orbital Model
EIDEnvironmental Improvement Division
EIDElectron Impact Desorption
EIEEasily Ionized Element
EIEEquilibrium Isotope Effect
EIESElectron Impact Emission Spectroscopy
EIFElectron Impact Fluorescence
EIFSExterior Insulation And Finish Systems [coatings]
EIGElectrostatic Ion Guide
EIGAEuropean Industrial Gases Association
EIHElectron Ion Hybrid
EIIAEuropean Information Industry Association
EIIPEmission Inventory Improvement Program
EILElectron Induced Luminescence
EILElectron Injection Layer
EILEnvironmental Impairment Liability
EIMEddy Interaction Model
EIMPEnergy Independent Model Pseudopotential
EIMSElectron Impact Mass Spectrometry
EIMSEnvironmental Information Management System
EINECSEuropean Inventory Of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
EINPEnergy-independent Nonlocal Pseudopotential
EIPElectric Induced Polarization (for Subsurface Characterization)
EIPEconomic Incentive Program
EIPEigenvalue-independent Partitioning (in Coupled-cluster Calcns.)
EIQEmission Inventory Questionnaire
EIREnvironmental Impact Report
EIRFTExtended Inversion-recovery Fourier Transform
EISEmissions Inventory System (US EPA Air Database)
EISEikonal Initial State (in Scattering Calcns.)
EISElectrochem. Impedance Spectroscopy
EISElectron Impact Spectroscopy
EISEnvironmental Impact Statement
EISCATEuropean Incoherent Scatter Radar (atm. Sensing)
EITEUV (extreme Ultraviolet) Imaging Telescope
EIXElectrochemical Ion Exchange
EKExtended Koopmans (method In Ionization Potential Calcns.)
EKBEinstein-Brillouin-Keller (quantization Method)
EKCElectrokinetic Chromatography
EKFExtended Kalman Filter
EKLFErythroid Kruppel-like Factor
EKMAEmpirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (in Air Pollution)
EKTExtended Koopmans Theorem
ELAExperimental Lakes Area (northwest Ontario)
ELAExcimer Laser Annealing

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