| Acronym | Meaning |
| EIA | Enzyme Immunoassay |
| EIAES | Electron Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy |
| EIAP | Environmental Impact Analysis Process |
| EIC | Electrostatic Interaction Chromatography |
| EICP | Enclosed Inductively Coupled Plasma |
| EICVOM | Equivalent Ionic Core Virtual Orbital Model |
| EID | Environmental Improvement Division |
| EID | Electron Impact Desorption |
| EIE | Easily Ionized Element |
| EIE | Equilibrium Isotope Effect |
| EIES | Electron Impact Emission Spectroscopy |
| EIF | Electron Impact Fluorescence |
| EIFS | Exterior Insulation And Finish Systems [coatings] |
| EIG | Electrostatic Ion Guide |
| EIGA | European Industrial Gases Association |
| EIH | Electron Ion Hybrid |
| EIIA | European Information Industry Association |
| EIIP | Emission Inventory Improvement Program |
| EIL | Electron Induced Luminescence |
| EIL | Electron Injection Layer |
| EIL | Environmental Impairment Liability |
| EIM | Eddy Interaction Model |
| EIMP | Energy Independent Model Pseudopotential |
| EIMS | Electron Impact Mass Spectrometry |
| EIMS | Environmental Information Management System |
| EINECS | European Inventory Of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances |
| EINP | Energy-independent Nonlocal Pseudopotential |
| EIP | Electric Induced Polarization (for Subsurface Characterization) |
| EIP | Economic Incentive Program |
| EIP | Eigenvalue-independent Partitioning (in Coupled-cluster Calcns.) |
| EIQ | Emission Inventory Questionnaire |
| EIR | Environmental Impact Report |
| EIRFT | Extended Inversion-recovery Fourier Transform |
| EIS | Emissions Inventory System (US EPA Air Database) |
| EIS | Eikonal Initial State (in Scattering Calcns.) |
| EIS | Electrochem. Impedance Spectroscopy |
| EIS | Electron Impact Spectroscopy |
| EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
| EISCAT | European Incoherent Scatter Radar (atm. Sensing) |
| EIT | EUV (extreme Ultraviolet) Imaging Telescope |
| EIX | Electrochemical Ion Exchange |
| EK | Extended Koopmans (method In Ionization Potential Calcns.) |
| EKB | Einstein-Brillouin-Keller (quantization Method) |
| EKC | Electrokinetic Chromatography |
| EKF | Extended Kalman Filter |
| EKLF | Erythroid Kruppel-like Factor |
| EKMA | Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (in Air Pollution) |
| EKT | Extended Koopmans Theorem |
| ELA | Experimental Lakes Area (northwest Ontario) |
| ELA | Excimer Laser Annealing |