| Acronym | Meaning |
| EDL | Electroless Discharge Lamp |
| EDM | Electrical Discharge Machining |
| EDMR | Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance |
| EDN | Eosinophil-derived Neurotoxin |
| EDNAP | European DNA Profiling |
| EDPCR | Extended Disjoint Principal Components Regression |
| EDQNM | Eddy-damped Quasinormal Markovian [mathematics In Engineering] |
| EDR | Electrodialysis Reversal |
| EDRAW | Erasable Digital Read After Write |
| EDRF | Endothelium-derived Relaxing Factor |
| EDRS | Enforcement Document Retrieval System |
| EDS | Energy-dispersive Spectrometry |
| EDSTAC | Endocrine Disruptor Screening And Testing Advisory Committee |
| EDTA | Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid |
| EDTGA | Electrodynamic Thermogravimetric Analysis |
| EDW | Electron Density Wave |
| EDW | Exchange Distorted-wave |
| EDW | Exponential Distorted Wave Approximation |
| EDWA | Exponential Distorted-wave Approxn. (atom-ion Electron-exchange Calcns.) |
| EDWBA | Exponential Distorted Wave Born Approximation |
| EDX | Energy Dispersive X-ray |
| EDXA | Energy-dispersive X-ray Analysis |
| EDXD | Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction |
| EDXR | Energy Dispersive X-ray Reflectometry |
| EDXRF | Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence |
| EDXRS | Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectrometry |
| EDXS | Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy |
| EDZ | Emission Density Zoning |
| EE | Ecosystem Evaluation |
| EEA | European Environment Agency |
| EEA | Energy And Environment Analysis |
| EEAES | Electron-excited Auger Electron Spectroscopy |
| EEC | European Economic Community |
| EEDF | Electron Energy Distribution Function |
| EEE | Exoelectron Emission |
| EEF GTO | Electric Field Gradient Gaussian-type Orbital |
| EEGL | Emergency Exposure Guidance Levels |
| EEL | Environmental Exposure Levels |
| EELFS | Extended-energy-loss Fine-structure |
| EELS | Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy |
| EEM | Episodic Event Model (of Acidification) |
| EEM | Elastic Emission Machining |
| EEM | Electronegativity Equalization Method |
| EEM | Environmental Effects Monitoring |
| EEM | Excitation-emission Matrix |
| EEPLD | Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device |
| EEPROM | Elec. Erasable-programmable Read-only Memory |
| EER | Excess Emission Report |
| EERF | Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility |
| EERL | Eastern Environmental Research Laboratory |