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Chemistry Acronyms Page 86

 Acronym Meaning
EDLElectroless Discharge Lamp
EDMElectrical Discharge Machining
EDMRElectrically Detected Magnetic Resonance
EDNEosinophil-derived Neurotoxin
EDNAPEuropean DNA Profiling
EDPCRExtended Disjoint Principal Components Regression
EDQNMEddy-damped Quasinormal Markovian [mathematics In Engineering]
EDRElectrodialysis Reversal
EDRAWErasable Digital Read After Write
EDRFEndothelium-derived Relaxing Factor
EDRSEnforcement Document Retrieval System
EDSEnergy-dispersive Spectrometry
EDSTACEndocrine Disruptor Screening And Testing Advisory Committee
EDTAEthylenediaminetetraacetic Acid
EDTGAElectrodynamic Thermogravimetric Analysis
EDWElectron Density Wave
EDWExchange Distorted-wave
EDWExponential Distorted Wave Approximation
EDWAExponential Distorted-wave Approxn. (atom-ion Electron-exchange Calcns.)
EDWBAExponential Distorted Wave Born Approximation
EDXEnergy Dispersive X-ray
EDXAEnergy-dispersive X-ray Analysis
EDXDEnergy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction
EDXREnergy Dispersive X-ray Reflectometry
EDXRFEnergy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
EDXRSEnergy-dispersive X-ray Spectrometry
EDXSEnergy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
EDZEmission Density Zoning
EEEcosystem Evaluation
EEAEuropean Environment Agency
EEAEnergy And Environment Analysis
EEAESElectron-excited Auger Electron Spectroscopy
EECEuropean Economic Community
EEDFElectron Energy Distribution Function
EEEExoelectron Emission
EEF GTOElectric Field Gradient Gaussian-type Orbital
EEGLEmergency Exposure Guidance Levels
EELEnvironmental Exposure Levels
EELFSExtended-energy-loss Fine-structure
EELSElectron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
EEMEpisodic Event Model (of Acidification)
EEMElastic Emission Machining
EEMElectronegativity Equalization Method
EEMEnvironmental Effects Monitoring
EEMExcitation-emission Matrix
EEPLDElectrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device
EEPROMElec. Erasable-programmable Read-only Memory
EERExcess Emission Report
EERFEastern Environmental Radiation Facility
EERLEastern Environmental Research Laboratory

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