| Acronym | Meaning |
| ECEC | Effective Cation Exchange Capacity |
| ECEPP | Empirical Conformational Energy Program For Peptides |
| ECETOC | European Center For Ecotoxicology And Toxicology Of Chemicals |
| ECETOC | European Chemical Industry |
| ECF | Electric Crystal Field |
| ECF | Elemental Chlorine Free [as In Nonchlorine Bleaching] |
| ECFP | Enhanced Cyan Fluorescent Protein |
| ECFS | Hot And Cold Potable Water (French; L'eau Chaude Et Froide Sanitaire) [a Class Of Pipe Application] |
| ECG | Ecosystem Conservation Group |
| ECG | Electrochemical Grinding |
| ECGF | Endothelial Cell Growth Factor |
| ECH | Electron Cyclotron Heating |
| ECHIC | Evaporative Compact High-intensity Cooler |
| ECHO | European Community Host Organization |
| ECI | Size-extensive CI |
| ECIA | Electrochemical Immunoassays |
| ECID | Electron Capture Induced Decomposition |
| ECIP | Energy Conservation Investment Program |
| ECISDT | Size-extensive CI With Single And Double And Triple Excitations |
| ECISDTQ | Size-extensive CISDTQ |
| ECIST | Estimated Chronic In Stream Toxicity |
| ECL | Environmental Chemical Laboratory |
| ECL | Emitter Coupled Logic |
| ECLIPS | Encoded Combinatorial Libraries On A Polymeric Surface |
| ECLSS | Environmental Control And Life Support System |
| ECM | Electrochemical Machining |
| ECM | Embedded Cluster Method (in Electronic-structure Calcns.) |
| ECM | Exchange-charge Model |
| ECM | Extracellular Matrix |
| ECMCAD | Extracellular Matrix And Cell Adhesion Molecule |
| ECMO | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation |
| ECMRA | European Chemical Market Research Association |
| ECMWF | European Center For Medium Range Weather Forecast |
| ECNI | Electron Capture Negative Ionization |
| ECNICI | Electron Capture Negative Ion Chemical Ionization |
| ECNIMS | Electron Capture Negative Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
| ECOIN | European Core Inventory |
| ECOP | Electron Correlation Polarization (potential) |
| ECOSP | Environmental Cleanup Objectives Standard Procedures |
| ECP | Eosinophil Cationic Protein |
| ECP | Estimated Critical Position |
| ECP | Effective Core Potential Approxn.(in Electronic-structure Calcn.) |
| ECP | Electrochemical Potential |
| ECP | Exchange Core Polarization |
| ECP | Exchange Coupled Pair |
| ECP | Exponential Corrugated Potential |
| ECP-CPP | Effective Core Potential (augmented By)-core Polarization Potential |
| ECPA | European Crop Protection Association |
| ECPMET | Extended Coupled Pair Many Electron Theory |
| ECPSSR | Energy-loss Coulomb-repulsion Perturbed-stationary-state Relativistic Theory |