| Acronym | Meaning |
| ADE | Adverse Drug Event |
| ADEOS | Advanced Earth Observing Satellite |
| ADEPT | Antibody-directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy |
| ADES | Angle-dispersed Electron Spectroscopy |
| ADF | Actin-Depolymerizing Factor |
| ADF | Acid Detergent Fiber |
| ADF | Adult T-cell Leukemia-derived Factor |
| ADF | Annular Dark-field |
| ADGIXA | Angular-dependent Glancing-incidence X-ray Analysis |
| ADH | Alcohol Dehydrogenase (reg: 9031-72-5) |
| ADH | Antidiuretic Hormone |
| ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
| ADI | Acceptable Daily Intake |
| ADI | Alternating Direction Implicit (method) |
| ADI | Austempered Ductile Iron |
| ADIFAB | Acrylodan Labeled Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein |
| ADIOS | Asian Dust Inputs To The Ocean System |
| ADIS | Advanced Drilling Information System [petroleum] |
| ADL | Analytical Detection Limit |
| ADME | Absorption |
| ADMET | Acyclic Diene Metathesis |
| ADMET | Adsorption |
| ADMI | American Dye Manufacturers Institute |
| ADMIS | Agfa Document Management Information System |
| ADMR | Absorption Detected Magnetic Resonance |
| ADMRO | Angular Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillation |
| ADMS | Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System |
| ADO | Average Dipole Orientation |
| ADOM | Acid Deposition And Oxidant Model (air Pollution) |
| ADONIS | Article Delivery Over Network Information Systems |
| ADP | Auger Depth Profiling |
| ADP | Adenosine Diphosphate (RN 58-64-0) |
| ADPD | Angular-dependent Photoelectron Diffraction |
| ADPI | Air Diffuser Performance Index |
| ADPIC | Atmospheric Dispersion Particle-in-Cell |
| ADPKD | Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease |
| ADPT | Auger Depth Profiling Technique |
| ADPV | Adsorptive Differential Pulse Voltammetry |
| ADR | Adverse Drug Reaction |
| ADRF | Adiabatic Demagnetization In The Rotating Frame |
| ADS | Accelerator Driven System |
| ADS | Annular Denuder System |
| ADSA | Axisymmetric Drop-shape Analysis |
| ADST | Average Daily Soil Temperature |
| ADT | Air Dry Ton [of Cellulose Pulp] |
| ADTT | Accelerator Driven Transmutation Technology |
| ADU | Analog-to-digital Unit |
| ADV | Aleutian Mink Disease Parvovirus |
| ADW | Asymptotic Distorted Wave |
| ADWIOS | Adiabatic Distorted Wave Infinite Order Sudden |