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Chemistry Acronyms Page 63

 Acronym Meaning
CREGCross-reactive Group
CREMECosmic Ray Effects On Micro-Electronics
CREMSEECyclotron Resonance From Microwave-induced Secondary Electron Emissions
CRESTCenter For Renewable Energy And Sustainable Technology
CRFChromatographic Response Function
CRFChronic Renal Failure
CRFCorticotropin-releasing Factor
CRGTChemically Recuperated Gas Turbine
CRHCorticotropin-releasing Hormone
CRHFComplex-restricted Hartree-Fock
CRIBComputerized Resources Information Bank
CRIMSChemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry
CRINEPTCross-correlated Relaxation-enhanced Polarization Transfer
CRIOSAClassical Reactive Infinite Order Sudden Approxn.
CRIPCysteine-rich Intestinal Protein
CRISCosmic-Ray Isotope Spectrometer
CRISMCompact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer For Mars
CRISTACryogenic Infrared Spectrometers And Telescopes For The Atmosphere
CRLCentral Regional Laboratory
CRLCertified Reporting Limit
CRLASCavity Ringdown Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
CRMCertified Reference Material
CRMChemical Remanent Magnetization
CRMContinuous Radon Monitor
CRMGTChannel Regulated MOS-gated Thyristor
CRMMAChemical Reference Material Manufacturers Association
CROCUSCost Of The Energy Service Related To Overall Efficiency With Incentives For Infrastructure At Unchanged Service
CROSSBOWComputerized Retrieval Of Organic Structures Based On Wiswesser
CROWContained Recovery Of Oily Wastes
CROWNCombines Rotation With Nutation
CRPC-reactive Protein
CRPCAMP Receptor Protein
CRPCarbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics
CRQLContract Required Quantitation Limit
CRRCarbon Removal Rate
CRRELUS Army Cold Regions Research And Engineering Laboratory
CRRESCombined Release And Radiation Effects Satellite
CRSControlled Release Society
CRSCoordinate-representation Sudden (decoupling Method For Mol. Inelastic Collisions)
CRSSCritical Resolved Shear Stress
CRTContinuously Regeneration Trap
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CRTAControlled Rate Thermal Analysis
CRTFCentralized Recovery And Treatment Facility
CRUConstitutional Repeating Unit
CRWQCBCalifornia Regional Water Quality Control Board
CRYSISCryogenic Stockholm Ion Source
CSCompton Scattering
CSCentrifugal Sudden (approximation)
CSChemical Shift

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