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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 62

 Acronym Meaning
CPRCardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPRCasting Pressing Rolling
CPRChemically Perturbed Region
CPSCentimeter/second Viscosity Measurement
CPSAConsumer Product Safety Act
CPSCConsumer Product Safety Commission
CPSSCoulomb-repulsion Perturbed Stationary State
CPSSChemist's Personal Software Series
CPSSRCoulomb-repulsion Perturbed Stationary State With Relativistic Effects
CPSTClassical Perturbation Scattering Theory
CPTCoulomb Wave-plane Wave (description With) Truncated (treatment)
CPTCarnitine Palmitoyltransferase
CPTCluster Perturbation Theory
CPTCritical Pitting Temperature
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CPUECapture Per Unit Effort
CPVCanine Parvovirus
CPVCowpox Virus
CPVCytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus
CPVCChlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
CPVCCritical Pigment Volume Concentration
CPWCoplanar Waveguide
CPWRCoupled Plasmon-waveguide Resonance
CQEDConsortium For Quality Environmental Data
CQEDCavity Quantum Electrodynamics
CQZConstrained Quartet Zeta (basis Set)
CRCollocation Representation (of Basis Sets)
CRABClocked Recombination Antiblooming
CRABPCellular Retinoic Acid-binding Protein
CRADACooperative Research And Development Agreement
CRAFComet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby
CRAMCaisse Regionale D'Assurance Maladie
CRAMPSCombined Rotation And Multiple-pulse Spectroscopy
CRAVECarcinogen Risk Verification Effort (EPA)
CRBPCellular Retinol Binding Protein
CRCChemical Rubber Company
CRCCooperative Research Council (automotive)
CRCColorectal Cancer
CRCCombined Residual Chlorine
CRCCoupled-reaction-channels (quantum Calcn. Method)
CRDCavity Ring Down
CRDACooperative Research And Development Agreement
CRDLContract Required Detection Limit(s)
CRDSChemical Reactions Documentation Service
CRDSCavity Ring-down Spectroscopy
CRECAMP-responsive Element
CRECarbon Removal Efficiency
CREATISCenter For Research And Applications In Image And Signal Processing
CREBCAMP-responsive Element-binding

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