| Acronym | Meaning |
| CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
| CPR | Casting Pressing Rolling |
| CPR | Chemically Perturbed Region |
| CPS | Centimeter/second Viscosity Measurement |
| CPSA | Consumer Product Safety Act |
| CPSC | Consumer Product Safety Commission |
| CPSS | Coulomb-repulsion Perturbed Stationary State |
| CPSS | Chemist's Personal Software Series |
| CPSSR | Coulomb-repulsion Perturbed Stationary State With Relativistic Effects |
| CPST | Classical Perturbation Scattering Theory |
| CPT | Coulomb Wave-plane Wave (description With) Truncated (treatment) |
| CPT | Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase |
| CPT | Cluster Perturbation Theory |
| CPT | Critical Pitting Temperature |
| CPU | Central Processing Unit |
| CPUE | Capture Per Unit Effort |
| CPV | Canine Parvovirus |
| CPV | Cowpox Virus |
| CPV | Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus |
| CPVC | Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride |
| CPVC | Critical Pigment Volume Concentration |
| CPW | Coplanar Waveguide |
| CPWR | Coupled Plasmon-waveguide Resonance |
| CQED | Consortium For Quality Environmental Data |
| CQED | Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics |
| CQZ | Constrained Quartet Zeta (basis Set) |
| CR | Collocation Representation (of Basis Sets) |
| CRAB | Clocked Recombination Antiblooming |
| CRABP | Cellular Retinoic Acid-binding Protein |
| CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement |
| CRAF | Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby |
| CRAM | Caisse Regionale D'Assurance Maladie |
| CRAMPS | Combined Rotation And Multiple-pulse Spectroscopy |
| CRAVE | Carcinogen Risk Verification Effort (EPA) |
| CRBP | Cellular Retinol Binding Protein |
| CRC | Chemical Rubber Company |
| CRC | Cooperative Research Council (automotive) |
| CRC | Colorectal Cancer |
| CRC | Combined Residual Chlorine |
| CRC | Coupled-reaction-channels (quantum Calcn. Method) |
| CRD | Cavity Ring Down |
| CRDA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement |
| CRDL | Contract Required Detection Limit(s) |
| CRDS | Chemical Reactions Documentation Service |
| CRDS | Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy |
| CRE | CAMP-responsive Element |
| CRE | Carbon Removal Efficiency |
| CREAMS | Chemicals |
| CREATIS | Center For Research And Applications In Image And Signal Processing |
| CREB | CAMP-responsive Element-binding |