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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 61

 Acronym Meaning
CPBECoulomb-projected Born Approxn. With Exchange
CPCChemical Protective Clothing
CPCCentrifugal Partition Chromatography
CPCCompound Parabolic Concentrator (for Solar Collectors And Solar Cells)
CPCAConsensus Principal Component Analysis
CPCCComplex-potential Close-coupling
CPCCSDCoupled-perturbed Coupled-cluster (with) Single (and) Double Excitation
CPCPIChemical Protective Clothing Performance Index
CPDContact Potential Difference
CPDCyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimer
CPDAMCumulative Potential-derived Atomic Multipole (calcn. Method)
CPDWCircumpolar Deep Water
CPDWBCoulomb-projected Distorted-wave Born
CPECoulomb Wave-plane Wave (description With) Effective Screening
CPECarbon Paste Electrode
CPEChlorinated Polyethylene
CPECloud Point Extraction
CPEControlled-potential Electrolysis
CPEDConvergent Probe Electron Diffraction
CPEOChronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
CPESACoincidence-enhanced Proton Elastic Scattering Analysis
CPFCancer Potency Factor
CPFCarcinogenic Potency Factor
CPFCoupled-pair Formalism
CPFCoupled-pair Functional (CI Method With Energy Functional)
CPFDCoupled-pair Functional With Double Excitation
CPHFCoupled Perturbed Hartree-Fock
CPHSDMConstant Pattern Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model
CPIChemical Patents Index
CPIChemical Process Industry
CPIConference Papers Index
CPICarbon Preference Index
CPIMACenter On Polymer Interfaces And Macromolecular Assemblies
CPKCreatine Phosphokinase
CPLDComplex Programmable Logic Device
CPMCounts Per Minute
CPMCrucible Particle Metallurgy
CPMASCross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (C-13 NMR)
CPMC-SCFCoupled Perturbed Multiconfigurational SCF
CPMCHFCoupled Perturbed Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock
CPMETCoupled Pair Many Electron Theory
CPMPCommittee For Proprietary Medical Products
CPMVCowpea Mosaic Virus
CPOMCoarse Particulate Organic Matter
CPPChemical Production Processes
CPPCore Polarization Potential
CPPACanadian Pulp And Paper Association
CPPICross-polarization-polarization-inversion [NMR]
CPQRAChemical Process Quantitative Risk Assessment
CPRCytochrome P 450 Reductase

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