| Acronym | Meaning |
| CPBE | Coulomb-projected Born Approxn. With Exchange |
| CPC | Chemical Protective Clothing |
| CPC | Centrifugal Partition Chromatography |
| CPC | Compound Parabolic Concentrator (for Solar Collectors And Solar Cells) |
| CPCA | Consensus Principal Component Analysis |
| CPCC | Complex-potential Close-coupling |
| CPCCSD | Coupled-perturbed Coupled-cluster (with) Single (and) Double Excitation |
| CPCPI | Chemical Protective Clothing Performance Index |
| CPD | Contact Potential Difference |
| CPD | Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimer |
| CPDAM | Cumulative Potential-derived Atomic Multipole (calcn. Method) |
| CPDW | Circumpolar Deep Water |
| CPDWB | Coulomb-projected Distorted-wave Born |
| CPE | Coulomb Wave-plane Wave (description With) Effective Screening |
| CPE | Carbon Paste Electrode |
| CPE | Chlorinated Polyethylene |
| CPE | Cloud Point Extraction |
| CPE | Controlled-potential Electrolysis |
| CPED | Convergent Probe Electron Diffraction |
| CPEO | Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia |
| CPESA | Coincidence-enhanced Proton Elastic Scattering Analysis |
| CPF | Cancer Potency Factor |
| CPF | Carcinogenic Potency Factor |
| CPF | Coupled-pair Formalism |
| CPF | Coupled-pair Functional (CI Method With Energy Functional) |
| CPFD | Coupled-pair Functional With Double Excitation |
| CPHF | Coupled Perturbed Hartree-Fock |
| CPHSDM | Constant Pattern Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model |
| CPI | Chemical Patents Index |
| CPI | Chemical Process Industry |
| CPI | Conference Papers Index |
| CPI | Carbon Preference Index |
| CPIMA | Center On Polymer Interfaces And Macromolecular Assemblies |
| CPK | Creatine Phosphokinase |
| CPLD | Complex Programmable Logic Device |
| CPM | Counts Per Minute |
| CPM | Crucible Particle Metallurgy |
| CPMAS | Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (C-13 NMR) |
| CPMC-SCF | Coupled Perturbed Multiconfigurational SCF |
| CPMCHF | Coupled Perturbed Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock |
| CPMET | Coupled Pair Many Electron Theory |
| CPMP | Committee For Proprietary Medical Products |
| CPMV | Cowpea Mosaic Virus |
| CPOM | Coarse Particulate Organic Matter |
| CPP | Chemical Production Processes |
| CPP | Core Polarization Potential |
| CPPA | Canadian Pulp And Paper Association |
| CPPI | Cross-polarization-polarization-inversion [NMR] |
| CPQRA | Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Assessment |
| CPR | Cytochrome P 450 Reductase |