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Chemistry Acronyms Page 58

 Acronym Meaning
CMTComputed Microtomography
CMUCondition Monitoring Unit
CMVCucumber Mosaic Virus
CMXConnected-moments Expansion
CMX(2)Second-order Connected Moments Expansion (method For Calcg. Correlation Energies Of Mols.)
CMZPCalcium Magnesium Zirconium Phosphate
CNCellulose Nitrate
CNCondensation Nucleus
CNAELCommittee On National Accreditation Of Environmental Laboratories (US EPA)
CNCComputer Numerical Control
CNCCondensation Nucleus Counter
CNDCircumnuclear Disk
CNDOComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap
CNDO LHPComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap Longet-Higgins-Pople
CNDO SPComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap Spin Polarization
CNDO/2-FAComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap First Approxn.
CNDO/2-FPPComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap With Finite Perturbation And Polarization
CNDO/2-UUniversal CNDO/2 (extended To Full Periodic Table)
CNDO/2-VComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap-potential Method
CNDO/2DComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap With Deorthogonalization
CNDO/BComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap / Boyd
CNDO/BWComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap With Boyd And Whitehead Parametrization
CNDO/FComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap/force
CNDO/FKComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap/ Fischer-Kollmar
CNDO/IPComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap/ionization Potential
CNDO/OPTICCI Method For Elec. Transition Moments Of The Optical Transition Of Large Mols. Based On CNDO/S Parametrization
CNDO/SComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap/spectroscopic
CNDO/SWComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap / Sichel-Whitehead
CNDO/SWWComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap/ Sichel-Whitehead-Wratten Parametrization
CNDOLComplete Neglect Of Differential Overlap-azimutal Quantum Number (of Valence AO'S)
CNDPCold Neutron Depth Profiling
CNESCentre National D'Etudes Spatiales (French Space Center)
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
CNIDRClearinghouse For Networked Information Discovery And Retrieval
CNIECommittee For The National Institute For The Environment
CNLSComplex Nonlinear Least Squares (data Fitting Method)
CNLSDCondensation Nucleation Light Scattering Detection
CNMMNCommission On New Minerals And Mineral Names
CNNComputational Neural Network
CNOConstrained Nonorthogonal Orbital (algorithm)
CNOCCommission On Nomenclature Of Organic Chemistry
CNPC-type Natriuretic Peptide
CNPGAACold Neutron Prompt Gamma-ray Activation Analysis
CNPPACommission On National Parks And Protected Areas
CNRFCold Neutron Research Facility
CNRSCentre Nationale De La Recherche Scientifique (France)
CNSCentral Nervous System
CNTCarbon Nanotube
CNTDChemical Nucleated Thermal Deposition
CNTFCiliary Neurotrophic Factor

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