| Acronym | Meaning |
| CIDNP | Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization |
| CIDR | Center For Inherited Diseases Research |
| CIDR | Controlled-internal Drug Release |
| CIDS | Circular Intensity Differential Scattering |
| CIE | Computer-integrated Engineering |
| CIEEL | Chem. Initiated Electron Exchange Luminescence |
| CIEF | Capillary Isoelectric Focusing |
| CIEIA | Competitive Inhibition Enzyme Immunoassay |
| CIESE | Combined Ion Exchange-solvent Extraction |
| CIESIN | Consortium Of International Earth Sciences Information Network |
| CIG | Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (Australia) |
| CIGARS | Calibrated Infrared Ground/air Radiometric Spectrometer |
| CIH | Certified Industrial Hygienist |
| CIHT | Configuration-interaction Hylleraas-type (wave Function) |
| CIIR | Chlorinated Isobutylene-isoprene Rubber |
| CIIT | Chemical Industry Institute Of Toxicology |
| CIITA | Class II Transactivator |
| CILS | Collision-induced Light Scattering |
| CILS | Core Ionization Loss Spectroscopy |
| CIM | Ceramic Injection Molding |
| CIM | Computer-integrated Manufacturing |
| CIMAH | Control Of Industrial Major Accident Hazards |
| CIMF | Computer-integrated Manufacturing Framework |
| CIMI | Configuration Interaction From Molecular Integrals |
| CIMS | Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
| CIN | Chemical Industry Notes |
| CINC | Cytokine-induced Neutrophil Chemoattractant |
| CINDA | Computer Index Of Neutron Data |
| CINDAS | Center For Information And Numerical Data Analysis And Synthesis |
| CINDO | Closed Shell Intermediate Neglect Of Overlap Method |
| CINDORU | Cluster INDO Restricted-unrestricted |
| CINDORU | Unified Cluster INDO |
| CINO | Configuration Interaction Natural Orbital |
| CIOS | Classical Infinite Order Sudden (in Atom-mol. Reaction Calcns.) |
| CIOS | Complex Infinite Order Sudden (approxn. In Quantum Calcns.) |
| CIOS | Corrected Infinite-order Sudden (approxn In Mol. Collisions) |
| CIOSA | Classical Infinite-order Sudden Approxn. |
| CIOSC | Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee |
| CIP | Cold Isostatic Pressing |
| CIP | Configuration Interaction With Partner Orbitals |
| CIPAC | Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council |
| CIPEA | Comite International Pour L'Etude Des Argiles |
| CIPM | Comite International Des Poids Et Mesures |
| CIPO | Canadian Intellectual Property Office |
| CIPSI | Configuration Interaction Perturbing A Multiconfigurational Zeroth-order Wave Function Selected Iteratively |
| CIPSO | Configuration Interaction (with) Perturbation (including) Spin-orbit Coupling |
| CIPW | Cross, Iddings, Pirrson, And Washington (for Geology Terminology) |
| CIR | Cylindrical Internal Reflection |
| CIRA | COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere |
| CIRAC | Canadian Institute For Research In Atmospheric Chemistry |