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Chemistry Acronyms Page 54

 Acronym Meaning
CIDNPChemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
CIDRCenter For Inherited Diseases Research
CIDRControlled-internal Drug Release
CIDSCircular Intensity Differential Scattering
CIEComputer-integrated Engineering
CIEELChem. Initiated Electron Exchange Luminescence
CIEFCapillary Isoelectric Focusing
CIEIACompetitive Inhibition Enzyme Immunoassay
CIESECombined Ion Exchange-solvent Extraction
CIESINConsortium Of International Earth Sciences Information Network
CIGCommonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (Australia)
CIGARSCalibrated Infrared Ground/air Radiometric Spectrometer
CIHCertified Industrial Hygienist
CIHTConfiguration-interaction Hylleraas-type (wave Function)
CIIRChlorinated Isobutylene-isoprene Rubber
CIITChemical Industry Institute Of Toxicology
CIITAClass II Transactivator
CILSCollision-induced Light Scattering
CILSCore Ionization Loss Spectroscopy
CIMCeramic Injection Molding
CIMComputer-integrated Manufacturing
CIMAHControl Of Industrial Major Accident Hazards
CIMFComputer-integrated Manufacturing Framework
CIMIConfiguration Interaction From Molecular Integrals
CIMSChemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
CINChemical Industry Notes
CINCCytokine-induced Neutrophil Chemoattractant
CINDAComputer Index Of Neutron Data
CINDASCenter For Information And Numerical Data Analysis And Synthesis
CINDOClosed Shell Intermediate Neglect Of Overlap Method
CINDORUCluster INDO Restricted-unrestricted
CINDORUUnified Cluster INDO
CINOConfiguration Interaction Natural Orbital
CIOSClassical Infinite Order Sudden (in Atom-mol. Reaction Calcns.)
CIOSComplex Infinite Order Sudden (approxn. In Quantum Calcns.)
CIOSCorrected Infinite-order Sudden (approxn In Mol. Collisions)
CIOSAClassical Infinite-order Sudden Approxn.
CIOSCCombined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee
CIPCold Isostatic Pressing
CIPConfiguration Interaction With Partner Orbitals
CIPACCollaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council
CIPEAComite International Pour L'Etude Des Argiles
CIPMComite International Des Poids Et Mesures
CIPOCanadian Intellectual Property Office
CIPSIConfiguration Interaction Perturbing A Multiconfigurational Zeroth-order Wave Function Selected Iteratively
CIPSOConfiguration Interaction (with) Perturbation (including) Spin-orbit Coupling
CIPWCross, Iddings, Pirrson, And Washington (for Geology Terminology)
CIRCylindrical Internal Reflection
CIRACOSPAR International Reference Atmosphere
CIRACCanadian Institute For Research In Atmospheric Chemistry

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