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Chemistry Acronyms Page 53

 Acronym Meaning
CHIEFClearinghouse For Inventories And Emission Factors
CHIGFETComplementary Heterostructure Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
CHIME(chem. Th-U-total Pb Isochron Method)
CHIPChemical Hazard Information Profile(s)
CHIPCold And Hot Isostatic Pressing
CHIRPCore-hole Initiated Relaxation Process (in Ionic Crystals)
CHMComplete Hydatidiform Mole
CHMMCertified Hazardous Materials Manager
CHMOConstrained Hartree-Fock Orbitals
CHMOSComplementary High-performance Metal-oxide Semiconductor
CHOChinese Hamster Ovary
CHOComplex Harmonic Oscillator (in Mol. Scattering Theory)
CHORTLECarbon-hydrogen Correlation From One-dimensional Polarization-transfer Spectra By Least-squares Analysis
CHORUSCERN Hybrid Oscillation Research Apparatus
CHPChemical Hygiene Plan
CHPCombined Heat Power
CHQCold Heading Quality
CHRConventional Hot Rolling
CHRISChemical Hazards Response Info System
CHRMCharacteristic Remanent Magnetization
CHTContinuous Heating Transformation [curing Diagram]
CHTSCombinatorial High-throughput Screening
CHWCoherent Hole Wave (quantum Excitations In Solids)
CHWMPCounty Hazardous Waste Management Plan
CIChemical Ionization
CICompression-ignition (engine)
CIConfiguration Interaction
CI-HYConfiguration Interaction-Hylleraas
CI-TD-HGConfiguration Interaction Time-dependent Hartree Grid
CIAChemical Industries Association
CIACapillary Ion Analysis
CIACCentro De Informacion Ambiental Del Caribe
CIAPClimatic Implications Of Atmospheric Pollution
CIAPClimate Impact Assessment Program
CIAQCanadian Indoor Air Quality
CIAQCouncil On Indoor Air Quality
CIBEContinuous Interfacial Bilayer Electrode
CIBLConvective Internal Boundary Layer
CIBOCouncil Of Industrial Boiler Owners
CIBSCorrections To An Incomplete Basis Set (a Perturbation Theory)
CICConsumer Information Catalog
CICConfiguration Interaction (in The) Continuum (theory In Calcns. Of Atomic Resonances)
CICADConcise International Chemical Assessment Documents
CICISChemicals In Commerce Information System
CIDCharge Injection Device
CIDCollision-induced Dissociation
CIDConfiguration Interaction With Double Substitution
CIDConfiguration Interaction With Doubly Excited Configurations
CIDACometary Impact Dust Analyzer
CIDEPChemically Induced Dynamic Electron Polarization

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