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Chemistry Acronyms Page 49

 Acronym Meaning
CENComite Europeen De Normalization
CENPCentromere-associated Protein
CENSACollaborative Electronic Notebook Systems Association
CEOOWGCommercial Earth And Ocean Observations Working Group
CEPACanadian Environmental Protection Act
CEPACorrelated Electron Pair Approxn.
CEPACoupled Electron Pair Approximation
CEPA-2VCoupled-electron-pair Approxn. (with) Variational (method)
CEPA-SDCoupled-electron-pair Approxn. (with) Single (and) Double Excitations
CEPA-VARCoupled-electron-pair Approxn.-variational
CEPEXCentral Equatorial Pacific Experiment
CEPEXControlled Ecosystem Pollution Experiment
CEPHCentre D'Etudes Du Polymorphisme Humain
CEPMCoupled Electron Pair Method
CEPODCatalyzed Electrochemical Plutonium Oxide Dissolution
CEPPChemical Emergency Preparedness Plan
CEPPOChemical Emergency Preparedness And Prevention Office
CEPSChemically Enhanced Primary Sedimentation
CEPTCholesterol Ester Transfer Protein
CEQCouncil On Environmental Quality
CEQCollinear Exact Quantum (method In Reactive-scattering Calcn.)
CEQACalifornia Environmental Quality Act
CEQBCollinear Exact Quantum (with Adiabatic) Bending (energy) (method For Reactive Scattering)
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response
CERCLISComprehensive Environmental Response
CERDACoincident Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis
CERDIPCeramic Dual-inline Package
CERESCloud And The Earth's Radiant Energy System
CERESCoalition For Economically Responsible Economies
CERESCrop Estimation Through Resource And Environment Synthesis Model
CERICenter For Environmental Research Information
CERLConstruction Engineering Research Laboratory (US Army)
CERLCorvallis Environmental Research Laboratory
CERNConseil Europeen Pour La Recherche Nucleaire
CERPIESCollision Energy Resolved Penning Ionization Electron Spectra
CERTConst. Extension Rate Tensile
CESCommittee On Earth Science (Office Science & Technology Policy)
CESARCanadian Expedition To Study The Alpha Ridge
CESARChemically Enhanced Solubilization For Aquifer Remediation
CESARSChemical Evaluation Search And Retrieval System
CESEComplex Eigenvalue Shroedinger Equation
CESQGConditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator
CESRCornell Electron Storage Ring
CESRConduction Electron Spin Resonance
CETCenter For Environmental Technology
CETCollisional Energy Transfer
CETACarbon Emission Trajectory Assessment Model
CETOCartesian Exponential Type Orbital
CETPChannel Equiv. Of A Theor. Plate
CETPCholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein

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