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Chemistry Acronyms Page 48

 Acronym Meaning
CEBAFContinuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
CECCommission Of The European Communities
CECCapillary Electrochromatography
CECCation Exchange Capacity
CECECombined Electrolysis And Chemical Exchange
CEDCohesive Energy Density
CEDARCoupling, Energetics, And Dynamics Of Atm. Regions [project]
CEDECommitted Effective Dose Equivalent
CEDIContinuous Electrodeionization
CEDIACloned-enzyme Donor Immunoassay
CEDRAControlled Simple Excitation For Dephasing Rotational Amplitudes
CEECenter For Environmental Education
CEECCapillary Electrophoresis/electrochemistry
CEEESCommittee Of European Environmental Engineering Societies
CEELCommunity Emergency Exposure Level
CEELSCore Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
CEEMCenter For Energy And Environmental Management
CEES2-chloroethyl Ethyl Sulfide
CEESCommittee On Earth And Environment Sciences (US)
CEFChicken Embryo Fibroblast
CEFCrystal Electric Field
CEFICAssociazione Europea Dell'industria Chimica
CEFICConseil Europeen Des Federations De L'industrie Chimique
CEFICEuropean Chemical Industry Association
CEGBCentral Electricity Generating Board
CEHCholesteryl Ester Hydrolase
CEICommittee On Environmental Improvement
CEICation Exchange Index
CEIACapillary Electrophoresis Immunoassay
CEICCaribbean Environmental Information Center
CEIPCoastal Energy Impact Program
CEISCenter For Environmental Information And Statistics (EPA)
CELDSComputer Aided Environmental Legislative Data System
CELFAComposition Evaluation By Lattice Fringe Analysis
CELIACompetitive Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay
CELIASCharge, Element And Isotope Analysis System
CELISACompetitive Enzyme-linked Immunoabsorbent Assay
CELRFCanadian Environmental Law Research Foundation
CELSCharacteristic Energy Loss Spectroscopy
CELSIUSCooling With Electrons And Storing Of Ions From The Uppsala Synchrocyclotron
CELSSControlled Ecological Life Support System
CEMContinuous Emissions Monitoring
CEMConventional Electron Microscope
CEMCorrected Effective Medium (for Atomic Interactions)
CEMASComplete Element Matrix Analysis From Scattering
CEMCCanadian Environmental Modelling Centre
CEMCCanonical Ensemble Monte Carlo
CEMOSComplementary Enhanced Metal-oxide Semiconductor
CEMSConversion Electron Moessbauer Spectroscopy
CEMSContinuous Emissions Monitoring System

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