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Chemistry Acronyms Page 45

 Acronym Meaning
CCMSDComputational Center For Molecular Structure And Design
CCMSTCo-ordinating Committee On Marine Science And Technology (UK)
CCNCloud Condensation Nucleus
CCOCoupled-channel-optical (potential
CCOHSCanadian Centre For Occupational Health And Safety
CCOICoupled-channel Optical (potential Method With Only The) Imaginary (part Of The Complex Polarization Potential)
CCOMCoupled Channel Optical Method
CCOSMChemistry And Circulation Occultation Spectroscopy Mission
CCPCapacitively Coupled Plasma
CCPACanadian Chemical Producers Association
CCPACemented Carbide Producers Association
CCPACellular Coherent-potential Approximation (for Electronic Structure Calcns.)
CCPACluster Coherent Potential Approximation (for Electronic Structure Calcns.)
CCPAConstant Centrifugal Potential Approximation
CCPDCharge-coupled Photodiode Device
CCPECharge Core Potential Energy Method (for Conformational Analysis)
CCPPCalcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential
CCPPCombined Cycle Power Plant
CCPPContagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
CCPPACoupled-cluster Polarization-propagator Approxn.
CCPSCenter For Chemical Process Safety
CCQCCenter For Computational Quantum Chemistry
CCRConradson Carbon Residue
CCRCouncil For Chemical Research
CCRClose-coupled Representation
CCRClose-coupling R-matrix
CCRComplex Coordinate Rotation (method For Calcns. Of Resonances In Scattering)
CCRConventional Controlled Rolling
CCRISChemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System
CCRMCoupled-channel Reactance Matrix (in Atom Surface Scattering)
CCRMPCanadian Certified Ref. Materials Project
CCRSPCalifornia Cooperative Remote Sensing Project
CCSClassical Centrifugal Sudden (in Calcns. On Reactions)
CCSCold Cranking Simulator
CCSContract Compliance Screening
CCSCorrected Coupled-states (method For Mol.-scattering Calcns.)
CCSAClassical Cintrifugal-sudden Approxn.
CCSAConst. Current Stripping Anal.
CCSCCharge And Configuration Self-consistency
CCSDCoupled Cluster With Single And Double Excitation
CCSD(T)Coupled-cluster (with) Single (and) Double (and Perturbative) Triple (excitations)
CCSD-EDCoupled-cluster Method With Single And Double Excitations-energy Derivative
CCSD-EHCCSD-effective Hamiltonian
CCSD-GFCCSD-green Function
CCSD-UEDCCSD-unrelaxed Energy Derivative
CCSDSConsultative Committee For Space Data Systems
CCSDTCoupled Cluster With Single
CCSDTQCCSDT (with) Quadruple (excitations)
CCSDTQPCCSDTQ (and) Pentuple (excitations)
CCSEMComputer-controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy

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