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Chemistry Acronyms Page 44

 Acronym Meaning
CCDTLCoupled-cavity Drift-tube Linac
CCDWCommensurate Charge-density Wave
CCDWCoupled-channel Distorted-wave (quantum Method)
CCDZPCorrelation-consistent Double-zeta (plus) Polarization (basis Set)
CCECharge Composition Explorer
CCECapacitative Calcium Entry
CCECharge-collection Efficiency
CCECounterflow Centrifugal Elutriation
CCEAConventional Combustion Environmental Assessment
CCEHCenter For Coastal Ecosystem Health
CCFCorrelation Crystal Field
CCFETCapacitively Controlled Field Effect Transistor
CCFLCold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
CCFLCountercurrent Flow Limitation
CCFOCharge-charge Flux Overlap (model In Mol.-property Calcns.)
CCFOMCharche-charge Flux-overlap Modified (model In IR Spectra Calcn.)
CCGConstant Crystal Growth (model)
CCGContinental Collision Granitoids
CCGFCoupled Cluster Green Function
CCGMCabrera-Celli-Goodman-Manson (at. Scattering Theory)
CCGTClosed Cycle Gas Turbine
CCGTCombined Cycle Gas Turbine
CCHFCrimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
CCHWCitizens Clearinghouse For Hazardous Wastes
CCICharge Contrast Imaging
CCIChronic Constriction Injury
CCIComplete Configuration Interaction
CCIContracted Configuration Interaction
CCICrevice Corrosion Index
CCIDConfidential Chemicals Identification System
CCIIMClearinghouse For Chemical Information Instructional Materials
CCIXContinuous Countercurrent Ion Exchange
CCLDrinking Water Contaminant Candidate List
CCLCarotenoid-carrying Lipoprotein
CCLGOCatalytic Cracked Light Gas Oil
CCLRCCouncil For The Central Laboratory Of The Research Councils
CCMChanneling Contrast Microscopy
CCMChemical Cleavage Of Mismatch
CCMComplex Coordinate Method (in Calcns. On Quantum Tunneling)
CCMCoupled-cluster Method (for Energy Level Calculations)
CCMCrucible Ceramic Mold
CCMCyclic Cluster Model (in CNDO For Deep Levels In Solids)
CCM2Community Climate Model Version 2
CCMCCoupled-cluster Method With Multiconfiguration Reference State
CCMC-T2Coupled-cluster Multiconfigurational (double-excitation Method With Cluster Operator Approximated By T2)
CCMECanadian Council Of Ministers Of The Environment
CCMETCoupled-cluster Many-electron Theory
CCMGACore-corrected Modified Glauber Approxn. (for Scattering)
CCMPCapacitively Coupled Microwave Plasma
CCMSCommittee On Challenges Of Modern Society (NATO)

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