| Acronym | Meaning |
| CAEAL | Canadian Association For Environmental Analytical Laboratories |
| CAEC | Center For Analysis Of Environmental Change |
| CAEDYM | Computational Aquatic Ecosystems Dynamic Model |
| CAER | Community Awareness And Emergency Response |
| CAES | Compressed Air Energy Storage |
| CAFASP | Critical Assessment Of Fully Automated Structure Prediction |
| CAFB | Chemically Active Fluidized Bed |
| CAFBR | Ceramic Filled Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor |
| CAFCA | Computer Assisted Flow Control And Analysis |
| CAFE | Corporate Average Fuel Economy |
| CAFEGE | Classically Approximated Free-electron-gas Exchange |
| CAFNA | Coded Aperture Fast Neutron Analysis |
| CAFO | Consent Agreement/Final Order |
| CAG | Carcinogen Assessment Group |
| CAG | Continental-arc Granitoids |
| CAGE | Controlled Active Global Experiments |
| CAGE | Capillary Affinity Gel Electrophoresis |
| CAHF | Configuration-averaged Hartree-Fock |
| CAI | Compression After Impact |
| CAI | Carcinogenic Activity Indicator |
| CAI | Calcium Aluminum Inclusion |
| CAI | Computer Aided Instruction |
| CAI | Conodont Alteration Index |
| CAIBE | Chemically Assisted Ion Beam Etching |
| CAICISS | Coaxial Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy |
| CAIR | Comprehensive Assessment Information Rule (USEPA) |
| CAIRA | Chemical Accident/incident Response And Assistance |
| CAIS | Calcium-aluminum-rich Inclusions |
| CAK | Cdk-activating Kinase |
| CAL | Central Analytical Laboratory |
| CAL | Computer Aided Learning |
| CALCOFI | California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations |
| CALS | Cloud And Aerosol Lidar System |
| CALUX | Chemical-activated Luciferase Expression |
| CAM | Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (photosynthetic Pathway) |
| CAM | Complex Angular Momentum (for Rotationally Inelastic Scattering) |
| CAM | Computer-aided Manufacturing |
| CAM | Coupled Angular Modes (method In Calcns. On Electron Exchange Collisions) |
| CAMAC | Computer Automated Measurement And Control |
| CAMCORE | Central American And Mexico Coniferous Resources Cooperative |
| CAMD | Computer Aided Material Design |
| CAMD | Computer-aided Molecular Design |
| CAMDS | Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System |
| CAMELSPIN | Cross-relaxation Appropriate For Mininmolecules Emulated By Locked Spins |
| CAMEO | Computer Aided Management Of Emergency Operations |
| CAMEO | Computer Assisted Mechanistic Evaluation Of Organic Reactions |
| CAMEO | Color Augmented Microscopy By Electromagnetic Offset |
| CAMK | Calcium Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase |
| CAMM | Computer-aided Molecular Modeling |
| CAMM | Cumulative Atomic Multipole Moment (for Mol. Charge Distributions) |