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Chemistry Acronyms Page 39

 Acronym Meaning
CAEALCanadian Association For Environmental Analytical Laboratories
CAECCenter For Analysis Of Environmental Change
CAEDYMComputational Aquatic Ecosystems Dynamic Model
CAERCommunity Awareness And Emergency Response
CAESCompressed Air Energy Storage
CAFASPCritical Assessment Of Fully Automated Structure Prediction
CAFBChemically Active Fluidized Bed
CAFBRCeramic Filled Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor
CAFCAComputer Assisted Flow Control And Analysis
CAFECorporate Average Fuel Economy
CAFEGEClassically Approximated Free-electron-gas Exchange
CAFNACoded Aperture Fast Neutron Analysis
CAFOConsent Agreement/Final Order
CAGCarcinogen Assessment Group
CAGContinental-arc Granitoids
CAGEControlled Active Global Experiments
CAGECapillary Affinity Gel Electrophoresis
CAHFConfiguration-averaged Hartree-Fock
CAICompression After Impact
CAICarcinogenic Activity Indicator
CAICalcium Aluminum Inclusion
CAIComputer Aided Instruction
CAIConodont Alteration Index
CAIBEChemically Assisted Ion Beam Etching
CAICISSCoaxial Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
CAIRComprehensive Assessment Information Rule (USEPA)
CAIRAChemical Accident/incident Response And Assistance
CAISCalcium-aluminum-rich Inclusions
CAKCdk-activating Kinase
CALCentral Analytical Laboratory
CALComputer Aided Learning
CALCOFICalifornia Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
CALSCloud And Aerosol Lidar System
CALUXChemical-activated Luciferase Expression
CAMCrassulacean Acid Metabolism (photosynthetic Pathway)
CAMComplex Angular Momentum (for Rotationally Inelastic Scattering)
CAMComputer-aided Manufacturing
CAMCoupled Angular Modes (method In Calcns. On Electron Exchange Collisions)
CAMACComputer Automated Measurement And Control
CAMCORECentral American And Mexico Coniferous Resources Cooperative
CAMDComputer Aided Material Design
CAMDComputer-aided Molecular Design
CAMDSChemical Agent Munitions Disposal System
CAMELSPINCross-relaxation Appropriate For Mininmolecules Emulated By Locked Spins
CAMEOComputer Aided Management Of Emergency Operations
CAMEOComputer Assisted Mechanistic Evaluation Of Organic Reactions
CAMEOColor Augmented Microscopy By Electromagnetic Offset
CAMKCalcium Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase
CAMMComputer-aided Molecular Modeling
CAMMCumulative Atomic Multipole Moment (for Mol. Charge Distributions)

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