| Acronym | Meaning |
| BSH | Bile Salt Hydrolase |
| BSHC | Break Specific Unburned Hydrocarbons |
| BSI | British Standards Institute |
| BSM | Breathing Shell Model |
| BSO | Brueckner Spin Orbitals |
| BSO | Basic Symmetric Operator (in Second-quantization Calculations) |
| BSO | Benzene Soluble Organics |
| BSO | Bismuth Silicon Oxide |
| BSO | Buthionine Sulfoximine |
| BSP | Bone Sialoprotein |
| BSPT | Blizzard Santry Perturbation Theory |
| BSQ | Boson Second Quantization |
| BSR | Bottom Simulating Reflection |
| BSRS | Backward Stimulated Raman Spectrometry |
| BSRT | Biological Solids Retention Time |
| BSS | Backscattering Spectroscopy |
| BSSE | Basis-set Superposition Error |
| BSSEC | Basis-set Superposition Error Correction |
| BSSRP | Basic Safety Standards For Radiation Protection |
| BST | Barium Strontium Titanate |
| BST | Bovine Somatotropin |
| BSTR | Batch Stirred Tank Reactor |
| BSWKB | Broken Supersymmetric Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin |
| BTB | Bromothymol Blue |
| BTCA | Best Technology Currently Available |
| BTCC | Biological Threat Characterization Centerpar |
| BTCC | Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinomapar |
| BTDA | 3,3',4,4'-benzophenonetetracarboxylic Dianhydride |
| BTDC | Before Top Dead Center |
| BTDC | Bulk Thermal Desorption Chamber |
| BTE | Boltzmann Transport Equation |
| BTEM | Band Target Entropy Minimization |
| BTEX | Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, And Xylene |
| BTF | Biotransfer Factor |
| BTGA | Best Technology Generally Available |
| BTIS | Beam Tube Isolation System |
| BTK | Bruton Tyrosine Kinase |
| BTPPC | Benzyltriphenylphosphonium Chloride |
| BTS | British Toxicology Society |
| BTU | British Thermal Unit |
| BTUGA | Bonded Tableau Unitary Group Approach |
| BTV | Breakthrough Volume (sorption Capacity Measurement) |
| BTX | Botulinum Toxin |
| BTX | Benzene, Toluene, And Xylene |
| BTZ | Below The Treatment Zone |
| BUN | Blood Urea Nitrogen |
| BVC | British Veterinary Codex |
| BVD | Bovine Viral Diarrhea |
| BVDV | Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus |
| BVOC | Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds |