| Acronym | Meaning |
| BPSG | Borophosphosilicate Glass |
| BPT | Best Practical Technology |
| BPTI | Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor |
| BPV | Bovine Papillomavirus |
| BPWTT | Best Practical Wastewater Treatment Technology |
| BQMCT | Basis Quantum Monte-Carlo Theory (for Many Electron Systems) |
| BRAHMS | Broad RAnge Hadron Magnetic Spectrometers |
| BRAP | Biometry And Risk Assessment Program |
| BRAVO | Big Bend Regional Aerosol And Visibility Observational Study |
| BRC | Basic Regulatory Control |
| BRC | Below Regulatory Concern |
| BRCA1 | Breast Cancer Gene 1 |
| BRCA2 | Breast Cancer Gene 2 |
| BRDF | Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function |
| BRE | Bond Resonance Energy |
| BRET | Breeder Reprocessing Engineering Test |
| BRET | Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer |
| BRFI | Brewing Research Foundation International |
| BRGM | Bureau Of Geol. And Mining Research (France) |
| BRI | Building-related Illness |
| BRIM | Bladder Reaction Injection Molding |
| BRITE | Basic Research In Industrial Technologies For Europe |
| BRL | Buffalo Rat Liver |
| BRM | Band Random Matrix (model For Quantum Localization In Conservative Systems) |
| BRM | Biological Response Modifier |
| BRNO | Best Radial Natural Orbital |
| BRS | Bibliographic Retrieval Service |
| BRS | Bibliographic Retrieval System |
| BRS | Biennial Reporting System |
| BRSV | Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus |
| BRV | Bubble Release Vacuum |
| BS | Backscattering Spectroscopy |
| BS | Breathing Sphere (approxn. In Mol.-scattering Calcns.) |
| BSA | Bovine Serum Albumin |
| BSA | Breathing-sphere Approxn. (for Inelastic Mol. Collisions) |
| BSAF | Biota-to-sediment Accumulation Factor |
| BSBL | Bond Strength-bond Length (model Of Atom Abstraction Reaction) |
| BSC | Bundle Sheath Cellpar |
| BSCCO | Bismuth Strontium Calcium Copper Oxide |
| BSCO | Break Specific Carbon Monoxide |
| BSDF | Bidirectional Scatter Distribution Function |
| BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy |
| BSE | Backscattering Electrons |
| BSE | Bulk Silicate Earth |
| BSEF | Bromine Science And Environmental Forum |
| BSEM | Back Scattering Electron Microscopy |
| BSF | Back Surface Field (solar Cell Structure) |
| BSF | Below Sea Floor |
| BSFC | Break Specific Fuel Consumption |
| BSG | Borosilicate Glass |